Chapter 7: Let's Not Bake Today

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Chapter 7: Let's Not Bake Today

"Eh?! Dorm Leader!" Ace yelled out loud, scooching back from the shorter redhead.

"Oh— Riddle-kun, you're super crazy cute today~" Cater commentated lightly with a hand playing with a strand of his hair. I just stayed silent, observing the situation. Ah, that person is...

The Heartslabyul dorm prefect huffed with crossed arms, a stern expression on his face. "Cater, if you talk too much it'll cost you your head." He spoke calmly, yet I felt like he was anything but calm.

"Hey now, give me a break!"

Grim did a double-take in my lap. "Ffgna! This is the guy who put that weird collar on me during the ceremony!"

I saw him scan our group. "You're the freshman all that caused the fuss of expulsion yesterday." The student furrowed his brows. "And can you not call someone's unique magic a 'weird collar'?" I tilted my head, but it is weird, if not surprisingly aesthetically pleasing. Riddle huffed, shutting his eyes firmly, "for goodness sake, the headmaster is soft. If you forgive rule-breakers, the system will collapse."

"That is true," I mumbled to myself, eating yet another piece of my food. I didn't pay mind to how the dorm leader glanced at me.

"The things coming out of his mouth doesn't match his looks." Ace, the oh pitiful one, commented in a hushed whisper.

But Riddle heard him anyway, turning his body to face the other redhead better. "The headmaster appears to have forgiven you but makes no mistake, the next time it happens, I will not."

The cheeky freshman laughed nervously, a hand reaching back to attach his neck. "By the way,  dorm leader," I raised a brow, is he really...? "Is there any way... you could say, remove this collar?"

I snorted, covering up my mouth with a hand— this idiot! I heard Grim squirm slightly on me. "Aah," Darting my eyes up, it seems to had brought attention to myself, according to everyone's eyes. I held a hand out," don't mind me, continue."

Ace merely scowled at me— not that I cared.

"I was going to if you had learned your lesson but," Riddle held a hand out while shrugging before his face twisted into a dark look. "The way you were talking shows you haven't at all." He moved that gloved hand to his hip, practically looking down on him. "Keep on it for a little longer." With his other hand, the petite upperclassmen pushed it aside, like how a ruler would. Ah, he does have that leader aura. I noted in my head, glancing back at his soul. I blinked, eyes narrowing in closer inspection: does it look... different? "Now don't just sit there chatting away, finish lunch and head off to your next class."

He went off to list yet another rule. "Law of the Queen of Hearts, No. 271: 'One should eat lunch and leave their seat within 15 minutes.'" The dorm prefect's facial features scrunched into a glare. "If you break the rule... I'm sure you understand?"

"Another rule..." I head Ace sigh.

"The answer is a 'Yes, dorm leader'!"

I swear I saw both Heartslabyul freshmen flinch. "Ye— yes, dorm leader!"

"Mah, mah," As if the mother in the group, Trey spoke up with a reassuring hand. "I'll look after them for you."

The other let out a 'hmph', though I noticed how much more relaxed he was. "You're the Vice President so I expect you not to act foolishly." It was after that, and muttering something along the lines of sugar cubes, that the dorm prefect finally walked away.

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