Chapter 2: More Chaotic than a Wonderland

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Chapter 2: More Chaotic than a Wonderland

"The state of thy soul is..." I held a breath. "I cannot tell."

I blinked, releasing the breath. Well, what else was I supposed to expect?

I know for sure that Crowley didn't expect that either. "What in the world you mean?!" He yelled in shock, his voice booming over her other students who were whispering to themselves. I suddenly felt like I need to disappear, my fist clenching tighter in my robes cautiously. Ah... I really shouldn't be here.

"There is no magic in them," The dark Mirror explained calmly with a straight face. "So I cannot sort them into any dorms."

I couldn't help but sigh softly as the murmurs only seemed to get louder. I did not wake up for this. "This is absurd!" The headmaster exclaimed as he walked up to me, an expression full of puzzlement plastered onto his face. "In 100 years, there has never been a mistake in the student selection!"

100 years, you say. I thought in my head, a thumb and index finger tucked under my chin. "How interesting..." The way he phrased that makes it seem that there has been a mistake before.

"Then I'll take their place!" I blinked, my hand falling limb beside my side. That's Grim's voice! Turning around swiftly, I took a step back when I saw that Grim had escaped his binds. I gritted my teeth together. Based on his soul, he'll probably... that's not good. With a cocky grin, the monster placed its paws on its sides. "Unlike that human, I have plenty of magic! So I'll take their place instead!" Yep— not good. Darting my eyes around, I formulated a plan internally. What should I do? I barely know anything about this place but I'm not willing to be a part of any chaos.

"Everyone— get down!" The person with red hair commanded in a bold voice, hand out. The monster paid no mind to him as it then blew, the floor was littered with the familiar bright blue flames and airing the atmosphere with its heat in an instant.

"Waaaah! My butt's on fire!" My head frantically rotated to the source, watching with wide eyes as a boy's behind was very much a flame. Holy— Breaking into a dash, I ran up to the male and slapped my hands on him, putting the fire out.

"At this point, the school's going to burn!" I heard Crowley yell out in distress in the distance. Though, I didn't bother to pay keen attention to him, patting away the victim's body to make sure he was alright. Ah, such expensive robes, I commented in my mind with furrowed brows, ruined.

"Are you alright?" I asked out of politeness when I deemed that he was safe.

When the boy straighten his back and glanced up at much, I could only widen my eyes. Bright. That was his soul's, along with shimmers of gold underlining it. Suddenly, I can trust this dude. It was vibrant, that I can conclude, but it was also in a way that felt almost comforting. Reminds me of Blake. Taking a look at their face, I noted the tan skin that was under his sheepish grin and red eyes.

"Thank you, that helped a lot!" The boys exclaimed, chuckling as he held an arm and hand out. "My name's Kalim Al-Asim!"

I raised a brow, very cheerful, indeed. "Destiny Harukawa. Though I believe you know from 5 minutes earlier." Hesitantly, I shook his hand with my other pushing up my glasses. Though, I doubt it's natural to be cheerful after almost getting their ass nearly burnt.

Kalim laughed, stepping away a bit. "Yup!" He put his hands behind his head. "But that was crazy, you know? And I wish you got picked into Scarabia! You sound like a nice guy!"

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