Chapter 12: The Tea Party's Finale

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Chapter 12: The Tea Party's Finale


Before I knew it, the scenery before was bursting with colors, red roses and the whites of the tablecloth neatly spread out in the rose garden.

It had just been several days since the overblot incident and true to Riddle's word, another Unbirthday party was held. I let out a sigh as a loud trumpet blared my eardrums. Let's just hope I don't have to fight yet another monster again. Despite my mulling, however, I wasn't particularly worried: even though I didn't spend that much time with Riddle compared to the other Heartslabyul students, I could tell the tension was relatively lighter than last time.

In the corners of my eyes, I saw a random Heartslabyul student clear his throat. "Our great leader! The crimson ruler— announcing Dorm Head Riddle!"

"Dorm head Riddle!" The rest of the participants cheered. Though, I noticed, they didn't hold much passion. I couldn't blame them— they were still off-put around the boy, even if they could see the change. Perhaps simply due to habit.

As the dorm leader appeared into view, I spectated as he closely inspected the scenery. "Hm, the roses are red, the table clothes are white— a perfect tea party." I could faintly hear him mumble, thanks to the sudden silence of the scared-shitless students. Riddle pulled out the lip of the designated teapot and peered inside. "Inside the teapot, there is a..." His nose crinkled in slight disdain before setting the lip back. "Ah, actually, it's fine without."

This is what happens when you constantly abuse a mouse for your traditions— disappointment. While that would have been delightful to say, I doubt it would have been appropriate for this situation. Shame.

Trey beside the redhead laughed, tenderly patting him on the shoulder. "You don't have to change everything right away," He told the younger with a small smile. The upperclassmen then pointed at one of the many sweets. "Instead of putting jam on the mouse's nose, try putting it on a scone." He tilted his head towards the redhead, tipping his fedora. "Change 'it's worthless without' to 'it would be nice to have', right?"

Although a bit reluctant, the second-year bobbed his head. "Yeah, you're right."

"Uhh..." A loud groan beside me tore my attention away from the two. "In the end, we hand to handle getting the garden cleaned up and all the prep work." Ace complained with a deep frown, his shoulders slumping.

"Calm down," Deuce nudged him with an elbow before crossing his arms. "Dorm Head being back after a full recovery is what's more important."

I hummed at his words. "I suppose," My shoulders shrugged as I darted my gaze away. "But I would've rather not participated. In fact— I'm sure it was you, Ace, that dragged me into helping." I didn't even do anything wrong: most of the damage was done by them, I added in my head. Not to mention, Grim didn't even help. So why did I have to? Catching the eye of a certain upperclassman, I blinked before subtly waving him over.

"The garden is looking super photogenic so I'm super serious!" Cater chirped with a wide smile and a phone out. He twisted his body in all ways at the wild sight.

Grin beside my legs seemed pumped up as well, "Yeah! I'm ready to eat all this food!"

"Okay, then in—"

"Just wait one moment!" My body tensed at the sudden volume, before tiredly narrowing my eyes. What now? Glancing back at what should be the former tyrant, he stared closely at the, oh, the white rose bush. Well, I inhaled through my nose deeply, someone is going to end up in the hospital. "Those white roses..."

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