Chapter 8: Oh My, It's Tea Time!

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Chapter 8: Oh My, It's Tea Time!

"Announcing our great leader! The Crimson Ruler: dorm leader Riddle!"

Oooh... I thought to myself as everyone cheered at the sight of the vice and dorm leader walking down. His uniform... is really beautiful. I resisted the urge to sigh, I want to draw it.

My ears picked duo the shorter redhead humming as he examined the crowded table. "The roses are red, the tablecloths are white," He listed off, a satisfied some on his face. "A perfect Unbirthday Party." Crossing his arms, the boy looked up at Trey. "You made sure there is a mouse asleep in the teapot, right?" I rose a brow, a mouse?

"Of course," Came the taller boy's immediate reply, pushing up his glasses. Ah, his outfit is pretty too. Now that I think about it... everyone's outfit is different from the school ones. "The jam to put on his nose at the right time is also ready."

It seemed Grim also had the same thought as I, rising his paws in awe. "Fwah! Look at their outfits! They look so cool!"

Beside me, I heard Cater snicker. "It's so cool— the Heartslabyul dorm attire!" Titling my head in thought, I placed a hand under my chin. So every dorm has a unique attire? Just how rich is this place? "The style is on point and makes great material for Magicam! Which means it's time for me to change."

Blinking, out here? I watched as the taller man raised his pen. In a burst of magic, his outfit suddenly changed to the one we were staring at. I blinked at the action— how interesting! "Laws of the Queen of Hearts also states we have to dress formally on party days." With his phone, on the other hand, he then pointed at us. "As a special service, I'll get you coordinated too!"

With just a flick of his wrist, a burst of colorful clouds covered our bodies, disappearing to reveal a brand new outfit snuggly fit on us. "Oh my!" I couldn't help but exclaim, twisting around to get a better view of myself.

"Ooh...!" Deuce gasped out, staring down at himself with wide eyes.

"Ooo, I'm hot stuff!" I heard Ace give a compliment to himself, placing a hand on his neck with a grin.

Even Grim seemed happy as he fiddled with his new bow. "Nyah! I look so good!"

"I'm surprised he was able to get our measurements..." I mused out loud. My eyes narrowed as I then placed a contemplative hand over my mouth, "was it a simple transformation spell? Or perhaps it's a spell similar to Trey's unique magic."

"Don't sweat it~" Our upperclassman said, wrapping an arm around Deuce, who let out a small noise. I merely stared at him, flabbergasted— how can I?! This raises so many questions! "Oh," he turned to Ace, who pointedly darted his head away, "and don't forget to give Riddle the mont blanc!" He laughed. "Come on— let's party!"

The party went on smoothly: with our cups raised, the air was pleasant as we cheered and began the tea party. I was surprised at how much fun people were having, considering the rumors of the infamous dorm leader. Perhaps, he wasn't as bad as what people said.

Well, that's what I thought until he deadass smacked Ace's tart to the ground. Haaah... this is why I don't get my hopes up. "Laws of the Queen of Hearts, No. 52: 'alone must never bring a mont tart to an Unbirthday Party!'" He looked personally offended, eyes wide with brows furrowed deeply as he shouted at the taken-back freshman. "You've violated yet another rule— how could you do something like this?! The Unbirthday Party is utter ruined now!"

I placed a hand over my mouth, appetite suddenly gone as I narrowed my eyes. I don't like how this is going. "No. 562?!" I heard Deuce say beside me in shock.

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