Chaptet 5: The Aftermath of Teamwork

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Chapter 5: The Aftermath of Teamwork

"Eh? You actually went to the Dwarfs Mine to find a magic crystal?" That was the first thing Headmaster Crowley said when we found him.


I only blinked while the rest had reeled back in shock. "Excuse me?"

The feathery man tucked a hand under his chin in thought. "I really didn't think..." He shook his head, "not only did you go but then you came back with an actual crystal in hand." He lowered his hands in exasperation. "While I quietly completed the paperwork for expulsion."

I tilted my head with narrowed eyes, "You did what now?"

"Ngraghhhh!" Grim in my hold snarled, batting a paw at him. "The nerve of this guy! While we were off fighting some crazy beast!"

"Headmaster Crowley," I gritted my teeth with furrowed brows. "Do you have the slightest idea of what you'be done?" Sighing while pushing my glasses up, I swore I saw the headmaster flinch. I lowered my head, but my eyes was still staring straight at him. "You endangered multiple people on a whim and an idiotic assumption that they were not desperate enough to repay a debt." My brows furrowed in disappointment, the audacity of this vermin. "I expected better from an 'oh so kind' person."

"Woah," I heard one of the freshmen behind me mumble. "He's really scary right now."

"He's even made the headmaster flinched." I averted my eyes, it's merely a tactical maneuver.

"Al—alright then," Crowley stammered before straightening up, clearing his throat with a fist. "But a beast?"

"There was a monster there!" Ace complained, stepping up with hands on his hips. "It was supper gross and crazy strong! It so was awful."

The adult in the room tilted his head in what seemed to be curiosity. "Could you tell me in more detail?" And with a gesturing fire, he lead us to his office as we explained what happened— which was quite a lot.

"Hoh, hohhh," The overly-dressed man let out after understanding the situation, us all settled into his office. "A mysterious monster living in the coal mine." He glanced at us under his mask. "The four of you worked together to defeat it and get a magic crystal?"

"Uh—" Ace sheepishly held a hand behind his neck. "We didn't actually work together."

Deuce piped in. "It was more like our goals were aligned." I glanced at them with the urge to laugh, not bothering to correct them. Are they both the tsundere type? How... cute.

"Ohhhhh..." I turned my head back at the headmaster. Hm? "Ohhhhhhh..." I raised a brow, is he suddenly going into labor? "Oooooooohhhhhhh!!!" And then he started bailing.

Oh my, gently dropping Grim down, I placed a hand over my mouth with furrowed brows. He's acting like a baby now— a very ugly one.

"What's up with this guy?" Grim asked in suprise with wide eyes. "Why is an adult bursting into tears?"

"Well," I said, glancing down at the raccoon. "It's usually because of an abundance of stress, in which we call a mental breakdown—"

"In all my years that I've been headmaster," And how much is that? "For the day to come that students from Night Raven College go hand in hand and defeat their enemy!"

The spade-cheeked boy beside me let out a squawk, arms out in slight panic. "What?! I did not hold this guy's hand!"

"Oh my?" I inched closer with amusement flicking in my chest. "You don't remember? We held hands together, like we were—"

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