Chapter 11: The Fall of the Red Tyrant

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Chapter 11: The Fall of the Red Tyrant


Ah, my heart pounded at that thought, the sensation of a slumbering heaviness pressing against my body again. Where... am I? Am I back? In the abyss of slumber, lazily gathered my thoughts. Is... Is Riddle okay? Where even is everyone? Are they okay—


"Oh, won't you just shut up already?!" Sitting straight up, my head whipped sharply at whoever the fuck decided it was such a great idea to wake me up— only to clutch my head in pain. "I..." Oh, dear, it is throbbing. "Quiet, please," I sighed, the fatigue rolling all over me.

"Sorry," I vaguely heard someone, probably Trey, say. Now that my head was slightly better, my gaze perked up and wandered around. It seemed we were still in the rose maze, everyone sitting against the mutilated rose bushes. My eyes trailed around at everyone's expressions: Trey and Deuce's worried gazes, Cater smiling with a hint of concern on his face, and Ace's blank look with only the exception of his furrowed brows. Crowley was also there, standing with crossed arms. Further on, I saw the slumbering figure of the once tyrant laid on the grass.

Ah! My eyes widened when I saw the state of his soul: it was no longer drenched in that inky abyssal black, shining as if it were new. However, after that short moment, my eyes narrowed in thought: was it because we destroyed the overblot or because of that... dream?

Looking over when I felt a soft pressure on my thigh, Grim was beside me, staring at me with worried blue eyes. Ah... were we the only ones sleeping? "Apologizes," I patted the monster's head, causing him to groan with a complaint. "I worried you."

"Fynnnnga!" He suddenly cried, swiping my hand away with little avail. I winced at the volume. "You— you didn't worry the Great Grim at all! I knew my henchmen wouldn't go down so easily!"

I laughed exhaustedly at that before turning away. "Clover-senpai," the said upperclassmen never took his eyes away from his childhood friend, though the man did make a noise of acknowledgment. How caring of him. However... I narrowed at how disheveled his clothes were— those injuries, minor or not, are littered all over his skin. He should worry about himself more. "Rosehearts will wake up soon, don't worry," I assured the green-haired adult, watching as his composure crumbled slightly.

And just on cue, a gasp suddenly emitted out of the dorm leader's mouth. "Ah— he's awake!" Ace exclaimed, leaning in. Deuce pushed him back lightly, giving a look of disapproval at the ginger.

Cater beside them sighed, twirling a strand of hair as he gave a somewhat conscious Riddle a concerned smile. "For real, we were agonizing whether or not you'd wake up or not."

Well, it was mostly Trey, I mused to myself. "Huh...?" The confused and blearily awake boy huffed out, glancing his eyes at everybody. "What... did... I...?"

"I'm so glad, you are safe," The headmaster commented with relief laced in his tone, smiling with his hands on his hips.

"There's no need to think about it now, just sleep," Trey wearingly told him, a frown donning his face.

But Ace was having none of it. "Of course, he'd go berserk with you coddling him all the time!" He groaned, stressing it out with a hand out, "how could you say that when the garden is a literal mess and we were in big trouble!"

"He's right," I commented, pushing a strand of hair behind an ear. Deuce was frowning at me now. "It's nice to know you care but please do not blur the line between caring and passively ignoring the dangers." I'd rather not have this happen again, after all.

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