Chapter 10: Secret Garden

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Chapter 10: Secret Garden

Sludge— that's what my body felt.

I only saw nothing but the dark abyss as my form felt heavy— only to realize that my eyes were closed. Ah... Tingling my fingertips and eventually the rest of my parts, I regained control and opened my eyes— I immediately did a double-take. Wha—?! My sight darted around, only to find myself unfamiliar with my surroundings. When I came to, I was standing in a dining room, clean and full of rich decor, all overlayed in shades of white and black. Well, I shrugged to myself as I pushed a strand of hair behind my ear, at least I'm not in a coffin this time.

"Happy birthday, Riddle!" Darting my head at the sudden voice, my body turned towards a fair woman in a dark gown, craning her (I presume to be) redhead down at another child— one very familiar to me. My brows creased in confusion: what is this? "Your birthday cake this year has low sugar, high lecithin cake made with soy flour and nuts."

What? I blinked. What did she say? Walking near the two, I noticed how there was no indication that she noticed me— as if I didn't exist. "Is this supposed to be a memory of some sort?" I mumbled to myself, glancing back at the child. It would make sense, looking at that but... why am I here?

"Thank you, mama. But, um," The child (Riddle, I presume) spoke while fumbling with the fabric of his shirt. My gaze flickered back at the smiling woman. That's his mother? I mused. I don't see her soul— well, this isn't the actual person, after all. "Just once, I really want to try a tart covered in bright red strawberries."

Ah, how adorable. Despite those thoughts, suspicion washed over my soul, a small frown tugging my lips: I couldn't help but feel that this seemingly innocent scene would soon shatter. "How could you say such a thing!" Riddle's mother's face contorted into one of shock and disbelief, placing her hands on his shoulders sternly. My eyes narrowed, seems I was right. "That pastry is a mound of sugar that's like poison!" She scolded. The tall redhead placed her hands on her hips alluding to an aura of strict authority. "One slice will exceed your ideal intake of daily carbohydrates."

Honestly, who keeps track of that? My hand held my chin close as I mulled it over. And does the concept of break day not exist? Leaning against the wooden table in the room, I watched as the lady then pushed her child away. "Now then, today, we are having a tuna sautee with plenty of docosahe..." I zoned out after that, already fed out with... what was it that Naoki called it? Ah yes—


However, before I could comment more on the scene, everything suddenly faded to nothing. My breath hitched at the change, yet I didn't feel like I was dropped into a never-ending pit. "No..." I said out loud. "It's more like... the scenery is changing."

Watching everything form again, I saw the same dinner table and room except this time, the two were seated along with books stacked on top. Blinking, I only had enough time to sit down on a nearby chair when the lady clapped her hands together. "Let's end your classical music studies here for today," she announced with a smile, in contrast to the boy's rather dull expression. "You have until tomorrow to review the magical ethics that you learned today and get through page 50 of your language philosophy text."

The hand I had under my cheek almost gave out. "Hah?" I let out. What did she just say? My eyes trailed down to Riddle, who just sat there. For a child?

"To that end, I'll give you an hour to study for your next potions lessons." There's even more?!

"Yes, mother." There was no joy in his voice— none of any childish wonder or happiness evident. My lips pursued, how... pitiful. My parents were never like that— basically the opposite.

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