Chapter 4: Burst Forth- My Soul!

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Chapter 4: Burst Forth— My Soul!

The walk to the mine was silent as a wall, not that I minded. I quite enjoyed listening to the wispy wind and the soft crunches of our footsteps rather than whatever these 3 had to spew out.

Speaking of them, Deuce and Ace were walking beside me, not uttering a single word. It seemed that they finally calmed down, though I doubt it would stay like that forever. Grim, on the other hand, was slightly shaking in my hold, though not enough for me to struggle to keep my chin tucked on top. Fuzzy— not soft but then again, I don't think he's ever taken a bath. My eyes narrowed at that: if we get through this and I see him, I'll try to change that.

Anyways, it was sooner or later that a house stepped into our view. I blinked, is that where the mines are?

"So this is the Dwarfs Mine..." The spade-cheeked boy commented when we stopped, glancing around at our dark, natural surroundings. "It used to be prosperous thanks to the magic crystal gathering but..."

The mascot in between my arms shivered. "Uwahhh... feels like something's gonna jump out."

"Don't worry," with a soft voice, I glanced down at him. "I doubt there's anything threatening." I lied. Even if there's no life here, there could be traps. Also, I don't know anything about this world besides the fact that it has magic... anything could happen.

"Ah— there's a house," Ace pointed out, though we already knew it was there. With his cherry red eyes, the redhead darted his attention at us. "Let's go ask about the mine."

I blinked, glancing at the Ginger with furrowed brows. Did... did you just see that? And I'm the one with glasses here. I hummed, opting to just let go of my judgment, "There's most likely no one here."

Deuce raised a brow at my claim, a hand under his chin. "Why do you say that?"

Stepping forward, I took the lead. "Would people live here when the mine is out of business? Also, it seems like the building and plants give off an empty aura." Gesturing my head towards it, I continued, "however, we might as well try."

Letting Duece grab onto the door handle, I watched him open the door. "Good evening... ah," He craned his neck to me. "I guess you were right. It's a mess in here."

Peering in, I stepped in after the Trappola, only for my eyes to widen a minuscule in slight surprise. How interesting. With cobwebs littered everywhere, there were abnormally small cushion chairs and a table next to an empty fireplace, along with was a broom next to it and stairs leading up. I blinked, turning my head only to land on a cobweb. Ew, I noted when I reached out to grab it off of my face.

"Woah!" Oh. I blinked, looking down. I forgot Grim existed. "Don't just drop me for no reason!" The creature held a paw up with gritted teeth from where he stood.

"Sorry, sorry."

"Aren't these tables and chairs too small?" Ace questioned, patting one of the chairs with a hand. "Are these for kids? One, two... seven?! That's so much!"

I blinked. Dwarfs are usually small... do they breed like rabbits? "How interesting..." With a hand under my chin, I lowered my head. If I meet one, I might ask. All of a sudden, a shiver traveled through my body, making me hug my arms. Ah... it's cold. My head tilted towards Grim, eyes zeroing on his firey ears. ...Pspspspspspspss—

Deuce, who was now beside me, crossed his arms. "This was probably a lively home when the Dwarfs Mine flourished."

"They did what they had to do. After all, magic crystals are found in coal." The heart-cheeked boy concluded. I tilted my head away from the mascot to Ace. Really now, are their value like jewels? "For now, let's just check it out."

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