Chapter 3: Troublemakers Are Always so Troublesome

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Chapter 3: Troublemakers Are Always so Troublesome

"You have the potential of a beast tamer!"

I blinked, "Excuse me?" I dropped the broom, feeling very skeptical as Crowley continued taking. It was after we fought those pesky ghosts where this headmaster appeared far too late. And, instead of helping us like the "oh so gracious" person he was, he instead told us to fight again. As if we were not tired at all.

I resisted the urge to sigh— the instant I go to bed, I don't want to wake up.

"Anyways," I started, holding a hand out to silence the mumbling adult. With half-lidded eyes, I gestured to Grim with a hand. "Can he stay with me? I couldn't have done it without him after all."

"You..." My eyes briefly glanced over to the raccoon, who had a dumbstruck, wide-eyes expression. I just sighed through my nose, don't be too surprised, I just doubt you'd be able to live outside.

"A monster? Real—" I narrowed my eyes, don't dilly-dally on this. It seemed he read my mind as the feathery male changed his course. "Ah, it can't be helped. Alright."

The slightly beat-up mascot beside me gasped with a toothy grin. "Really?!" He pumped a fist to the air. "Yay!

"However," The crow continued, his arms falling limb on his sides. "I cannot allow someone, let alone a monster, who wasn't summoned by the Dark Mirror into the school." He moved his hands onto his hips as his facial features contorted to express strictness. "And I can't let you two freeload until you return to your own world."

I hummed, shifting my weight onto one leg. "That's fine, I'm okay with doing errands."

"Ah, but with it summoning you, we have the respo—" He stopped, his head whipping back at me with widened eyes. "Really?"

My head tilted in boredom, can I just get to my room already? "Of course, it's only fair." I have no need to enroll to a magic school. And hopefully, it gives me the time and resources for me to find out more about my situation.

The man clapped his hands together, "Alright then, you'll be staying in this dormitory for the time being!" He dropped his hands, "But other than food and water, other necessities you have to provide for yourself."

I roasted a brow, that's it? That's rather... troublesome. "I don't know anything about this world and you believe to tell me that I have to just figure it out?" I didn't bother to hide my question.

Crowley smiled, his arms out as if to express a kind and welcoming aura. It failed. "No need to fret! I'll have you do maintenance and odd jobs around the campus." I slightly lowered my head. Now that you say it, I suddenly regret my words. "That way,  you will receive special permission to remain on school grounds. For I am gracious!"

"Eeeeh?" The car next to me let out, his brows knitted together in exasperation. "I don't wanna do that. I wanna wear the uniform and be a student!"

Glancing down on it, I exhaled deeply through my nose. "Shush, you're only making it worse."

"Oh? If you don't like it, I can just toss you out to the rain again."

"Frghh?!" Grim reeled back. I'm honestly more shocked that he didn't think of that. "Fine, I get it, I get it! I'll just have to do it!"

The Headmaster seemed content, considering how his feathers ruffled. Fake feathers— I'm not sure how that works. "Well now!" Crowley exclaimed, much to my little glee. "Starting tomorrow, endeavor to be the best handyman at Night Raven College!"

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