Chapter 9: Viva La Revolution

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Chapter 9: Viva La Revolution

I wonder... Fiddling with my key under the large collar, I thought to myself in an attempt to calm my nerves. Why am I suddenly getting random dreams now? A cat, a tyrant, and a little girl... Just what do they have to do with me? With dreams, I would usually dismiss them as the imagination's playthings. However, since they all seem to be connected and how they felt strikingly familiar with what was happening now...

I blew out a sigh, if Aria and Yulia were here they'd go on about me being an anime protagonist. "In accordance with the rules of the decisive match, please remove the magic sealing collar handicaps!" I was brought back to present at Crowley loud instructions. Glancing around my surroundings, so many other students were crowded around Ace, Deuce, and the Heartslabyul dorm leader.

"Fyuahh," Grim grumbled, tucked in my arms. "There are so many people here!" I bobbed my head in agreement, though I don't know if they noticed or not. Are they here?

Gaze catching hairs of orange and green, I maneuvered through the crowds, reaching the two to then place my hand on Trey's back. "Are you alright?" I felt how the boy tensed, craning his head down at me with wide eyes.

"Uwah!" Cater yelped beside me, taking a step back. "Destiny-chan~ don't sneak up on us like that!"

I let out a hum, removing my hand on the green head before I dropped Grim (who yelled at my actions), glancing at the middle— where the duo was now collar free. Must be nice. "Sorry, I just didn't like being near-strangers," I replied curtly. Too many different souls all at once, I added.

"Anyways, Destiny-kun, I'm fine." Trey shrugged off with a reassuring smile. I didn't buy it. And I think he knew too, as he then replaced it with one full of worry. "But, I don't think those two will be."

That's to be expected. "Riddle-kun!" Our more enthusiastic (was it really?) upperclassmen suddenly called out, waving a hand towards the shorter redhead. Was that necessary? I thought to myself yet kept silent. "What do you want for your afternoon tea?"

"That's a silly question." I would have called him arrogant if it weren't for the fact that he would probably win this. "The rules state that teatime always happens at 4 pm on the dot," Riddle replied coolly, crossing his hands with absolute certainty in his eyes. Hm? Narrowing my eyes, I stared closer at him. His soul... has it always been that dark? My lips pursued, it feels different than last time.

I then blinked. 4 pm? "Diamond-senpai, is it not around 3:30 already?"

"Yeah, now that you think about it," Grim commented. "It's too late for that!"

I heard the boy scoff as if we said something ludicrous (it could have, I don't know this world). "Do you think I'll ever be late? This ordeal will be held shortly." With a swish of his cape, I'll admit that did look cool, the tyrant turned his head. "As you can see, I am short on time," Riddle announced sternly at his opponents. From my blurred view (should I have worn my glasses? No, I don't want to get them damaged on the off-chance everything turns for the worst— in which it most likely would.), I noticed how the other boys shifted into a more challenging stance. "Dealing with you one and a time would be troublesome— both of you come at me at once."

"Yeah! Go, dorm leader! Put them into their place!" Everyone chanted and cheered on.

My eyes narrowed— cheering on a leader they don't even like... how pitiful. "Kah! Now I'm mad!" I felt the furry companion's collar dig into my stomach, causing me to wince.

"Settle down child," I spoke softly enough for him to hear. "You two," I took the upperclassmen's attention. My lips pursued. There's no way this will end nicely, considering Ace's recklessness. "Be prepared to fight."

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