Chapter 6: New and Familiar Faces can be Welcoming

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Chapter 6: New and Familiar Faces can be Welcoming

Or perhaps they were cursing me.

Let me explain: after I finally got to go to sleep in the terrible cold, I had a dream. This is strange since I rarely get dreams. The dream itself was strange too: a little blond girl stumbling upon talking cards painting roses, something about a red Queen, and I think was beheading?

Quite a random dream, I say.

But I digress, as I couldn't even have the time to ponder about it until my dream was shattered by reality.

Which meant I woke up.


With my heart pounding fast by the shock, my body shook right up, the sheer force banging a rather painful headache. I groaned, my vision blurry as I clutched my head. Ow...! My head... I think as my brows furrowed. In my blurry vision, I could see that it was still dark outside. Who in the bloody hell did someone knock in this ungodly hour?!

I think I heard Grim say something— but at the same time, I didn't care. Stripping off of my thin sheets, I felt my chest boil in absolute anger as I clutch my fists. I swear... With heavy steps, I gritted my teeth. I'll go castrate them!

"What." I snarled with a harsh slam against the door, looking out to who dared bothered to wake me u— "Oh." I blinked owlishly. "It's you."

In front of me was a blurry Ace, his body seemed to be taken back in the doorway. I don't know— I don't have my glasses on, my head hurts, I just wanted some sleep. "Ye—yeah. It's me." He stammered, glancing at me, I think. Hm? I tilted my head tiredly at the red head's blurry form. Now that I look at him, something big and red is around his neck— it looks familiar. His body recomposed itself, shoulders sagging as he took a step forward. "Let me in."

"Ace?" When did Grim get here? "What're you doing this la..." The mascot paused, only to retract back with paws in the air. "Gehgeh! You got a collar on you!"

I merely shrugged, opening the door wider to let him in. Stepping in with a huff, Ace paced around in frustration. "I'm never going back to Heartslabyul. Starting today, I'm joining your dorm!" Eh?

"Fgnaa— What?!"

I furrowed my brows. "And why is that." Oh, I couldn't help the bite in my voice. I sighed, running my messy bedhead hair through my fingers. "I mean— let's just go somewhere to sit, I'd rather not talk in the entrance." Motioning the two over, I directed them for the dusty and old couch. "Here we go," I said, plopping myself onto it. I need to get this dorm cleaned out.

"That's the same collar that redhead put on me during the entrance exams," Grim noted with curious eyes, in my lap. I wrapped my hands around him, keeping him close to my chest. Ah~ my heat pack. "Why do you have something like that on?"

As if in embarrassment, I saw the boy avert his eyes. "Tart."

I raised a brow. "Hm?" A tart?

"Yup— just that!" With crossed arms. He let out a hmph with irritation clearly in his tone. "I was hungry when I got back to the dorm so I checked the fridge and there were tarts chilling inside." He held up three fingers at us as if he was talking to a child. "Three whole tarts! So I decided to eat a slice." The ginger let out a groan. "But then the dorm leader went all 'Off With Your Head!' on me and put this collar on me!" The dark-red soul bearer sighed. "...the end."

I only stared at him. "You're terrible."

"You both are in the wrong," Grimm added on with a deadpan.

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