The Christmas Chronicles : Part 1

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Wilhemina Venable (pre apocalypse)

Tw / talk of child abuse and neglect

The holidays . The time of year when you cant make up a bullshit excuse to not see your family since you've ignored them the whole year so now you have to go over . Thankfully Mina doesn't talk to her family and neither do I so we don't have to go anywhere . Nice . I started putting up decorations in November despite Mina giving me shit for it . She said that I had to at least wait till December 1st to get the tree so I agreed and impatiently waited counting down the days . Finally it's the first and and I woke Mina up before her alarm to tell her it was the first and that she had to go get a tree with me today . She was pissed I woke her up and told me we had to go to work first but after we could go . Mina had to leave first so I sent her off with a kiss and went back in the house to start thinking of the type of tree I wanted and trying to remember where we put the ornaments last year . I started planning out where we would put the tree and how nice it was gonna look when my alarm went off telling me I had to start getting ready to go to work . I work at a daycare center and even though I love the kids they drain the life out of me and I always come home beyond tired but today I can't be tired because if I'm tired Mina will say we can't go get a tree because im tired so these kids better not be pains in the ass . I went upstairs and got dressed in the same outfit I wear almost every day to work . I don't own very many kid friendly clothing items and I'm not trying to show these toddler children things my ass and tiddies so I have to wear basically the same thing everyday . So basic . I did my hair and makeup and grabbed my backpack and left . During the drive I started to think about how nice a small tree would look in our room and we could put purple lights on it so at night it would be like a big purple nightlight . When I got a red light I texted Mina my plan and prepared myself for her to turn my idea down so I put my phone down and continued driving to the daycare . When I got there I checked my phone to see if she had responded and she had .

'Sounds wonderful love I'll decorate the small tree while you decorate the one for the living room💜😉'

this bitch . I rolled my eyes at her text and and decided not to text her back since I was already running late . I grabbed my backpack and went inside the daycare center being greeted by my friend at the front desk . I checked in and went over to my area watching all the kids come in . My job is just to supervise the kids and take them to the bathroom whenever they need to . It's annoying small children have no bladder control and always have to piss but still somehow piss their pants and then I have to get them cleaned up and console them . I was watching all the kids run inside and give them all a hug when they came running up to me and I saw one of my older kids come in . It's mostly toddlers here so whenever there's an older kid I try to talk to them more since I can't really hold a conversation with a 3 year old . When she saw me she turned around to tell her mom goodbye but she had already left so the girl turned back around and walked up to me with a sad expression . I ran up to her and picked her up holding onto her spinning her around to cheer her up . It worked and she started giggling so I set her down and walked back over to my station holding onto her little hand

'So miss Riley how are you today honey ? '

'I'm okay ms y/n . I'm kinda sad because my mommy was in a bad mood this morning but she told me we can go get our Christmas tree when she picks me up so I'm more happy than sad . When are you getting your tre-'

Riley was cut off by my co worker yelling at all the kids that it was time for community circle and to come to the color carpet . This is probably my favorite part of my day because we all get to sit on this colorful carpet and say whatever's going on in our lives . Most of the kids are too small to form cohesive sentences but when the kids that can talk talk about their lives it sounds so interesting . These kids have a more interesting life than me . Damn . Whenever it was someone's turn to talk they sit in the middle of the circle and say whatever they have to say and go back to their spot . One kid said his mom threw a shoe at his dad but the way he explained the whole story was way too funny and I started laughing which my co workers didn't like . They don't like to CoNdOnE vIoLeNcEe or whatever but the kid thought it was funny so it's fine . When it was my turn Riley pushed me into the middle of the circle and watched me attentively

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