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Reader x Venable

Wilhemina woke up in a bad mood today for fuck knows why . She dodged my kiss and pushed my arm off her when I tried to hold her . Mean old lady . She probably had a bad dream or something but she won't talk to me about it or at all . However despite her ignoring me I still got ready and went downstairs to make her breakfast because I love her even when she's being a royal pain in the ass . After about half an hour of cooking I finally hear the sound of her cane coming down the stairs and I see a tall purple blob out the corner of my eye . I'm dating Barney . I looked up at her to smile quickly before looking back down at the pan in front of me so I didn't burn the pancakes I'm so desperately trying to make taste somewhat decent . I felt her hand on my back and her warm lips kiss the top of my head . Looks like someone pulled the stick out of their ass finally . I leaned into her and giggled when I felt her rubbing her nose against my cheek . She such a softie she denies it but it's true . Soft ass bitch . She kissed my temple and moved away from me to begin making her coffee . We made small talk and I could tell she was still slightly in a bad mood but not as bad as when she woke up . Her back probably hurts poor thing . She sat at the table with her mug and continued talking with me until the food was done . I made our plates and set hers down in front of her and mines next to her . I made tea for myself since hot coffee is fucking gross and set my mug down next to hers . I told her I would be right back and kissed her head before running back upstairs . I went to the bedroom and got her painkillers out of the medicine cabinet . She doesn't like taking them since she says she feels like an old lady taking all her pills but she is an old lady so I don't get why she won't just take them and get rid of the pain from her curvy spine but that's why I'm here I suppose . To make sure the old lady gets her medications . I should get paid for this shit . I went back downstairs and saw her sitting at the table holding her head in her hands and her whole body looked tense . I'm smart as fuck for realizing she's in a mood because of her back god damn . I gently touched her shoulder so she would know I was there and showed her the bottle . She looked up at me with tears in her eyes but smiled and took the bottle out of my hands quickly unscrewing the cap and took one out swallowing it dry . That's scary . I took the bottle from her and closed it placing it next to her mug and sat next to her in front of my plate and tea . I leaned over to kiss her cheek and smiled at her sweetly . She was still fighting back tears but smiled back and kissed my lips . We both ate in silence and I could tell she was still in a lot of pain so I didn't want anything. Halfway through eating she broke down sobbing and turned to the side to tightly hug me and hid her face in my neck . She pulled me over to sit on her lap so I did and she held onto me tighter . I held her head to my chest and laid my cheek on top of her head . I stroked her hair and shushed her while she sobbed into my chest . I kissed the top of her head and rubbed her shoulder . After a while she regained her composure and pushed her head out if my chest to look up at me . I held her face in both my hands and kissed the tip of her nose gently allowing her to talk when she's ready

'My fucking back hurts so bad y/n and I don't know why . I took those stupid pain killers and they're not helping'

She broke down crying again and put her head back in my chest . She held my waist tightly and dug her nails into my sides but I allowed her since she was in pain I couldn't even imagine . I held her head in my chest and continued shushing her rubbing my nose against the top of her head . She looked at me and laid her cheek against my boob but continued crying holding me close to her

'Oh my baby I think you have to stay home from work today my love . You're in too much pain to deal with the people you work with stay home with me today . I promise I'll take care of you baby'

I could tell she wanted to protest but before she could her back did . She closed her eyes tightly and cried harder hiding her face in my boobs again . I kissed the top of her head and started rubbing her shoulders hoping to relieve any amount of pain . After maybe 5 minutes of sitting like that she lifted her head up and nodded . I got off her lap and helped her stand up . She held onto me tightly and leaned onto me for support . Getting up the stairs was a struggle but we managed to get into the bedroom and I got her back in bed . I helped her undress and went to get sweatpants and a sleep shirt for her so she'll be more comfortable . I helped her get dressed and took her hair out of its usual tight ponytail . I took off her makeup and her jewelry before getting in bed next to her and got my phone so I could call her work to tell them she wasn't going in saying it was due to family issues . I know Wilhemina doesn't like other people knowing about the pain she has or her disability so if I told the lady on the other end of the phone that the scary Ms. Venable wasn't going into work today because her spine wants to curve out of her back, she wouldn't be too happy with me . After I hung up I laid on my side to hold onto her and she started crying again and held my arm tightly . She started tugging my shirt trying to get it off so I sat up and pulled it off and laid back down with her . She scooted closer to me and laid her head in between my boobs and held my waist to keep me close . Someone has mommy issues but it's fine me too . I ran my fingers through her hair and kissed her forehead as she cried into my chest and scratched her nails against my back . She rubbed her nose against my boob and looked up at me with tears still running down her face and her bottom lip shaking . I held onto her cheek and leaned down to lightly kiss her lips and laid her head back down on my chest . She brought her hand over to hold onto one boob while her was cheek against the other . Glad that my boobs are bringing her comfort but I'm getting a little cold . I brought the fluffy blanket up to cover both of our bodies and she snuggled closer to me . I wrapped my arms around her to hold her against me

' Take a nap your body need the rest baby'

She slightly nodded and held onto my boob tighter and rubbed her nose against the other and fell asleep . She really likes my boobs huh . Glad I'm not the only one with the mommy issues in this relationship .

A/n i rly like this one 🕺🏻🕺🏻😋😋

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