I Love You Forever

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Wilhemina Venable x Reader
(tinest but of smut but rly not even)

Wilhemina's Pov
Sitting in bed eating cold McDonald's and watching Snapped with my girlfriend at 9pm on a Friday night is my idea of a perfect night. I had my arm wrapped around her while she had her head laid on my shoulder and I looked down at her smoking on her cigarettes. I watched her as she was focused on the tv and cupped her cheek leaning down to kiss her forehead. She looked up at me smiling and softly laughing as she reached up for my face and pulled me down until our lips pressed together with us both smiling. She pushed her face against my neck breathing in deeply and leaving small kisses there as she brought her cigarette up to my lips to take a small drag. I pulled her face out of my neck to lean our foreheads against each other as we were both smiling like idiots looking into each other's eyes and she gently scratched her nails against my scalp. I left a long kiss on her lips before kissing her forehead again and laid her head back on my shoulder and tightly held her as close to me as possible. She wrapped her arms around me gently still always being cautious with my back and rubbed her nose against my collarbone and leaving a kiss right under it. I tilted her head up and chuckled when she looked up at me with her hair completely in her face. I moved her hair away and held her cheek in the palm of my hand softly rubbing my thumb along her cheekbone. I kissed the tip of her nose closing my eyes and leaving my lips there feeling her breathe against my chin and pulled away to look in her eyes seeing the love in them. I love her so much. I kissed her lips one last time before pulling her onto my lap sitting so she was still facing the tv and wrapped my arms around her waist and let my chin rest on her shoulder. I leaned back against the wall and swayed gently holding onto her tightly and closed my eyes taking in the smell of her perfume and the smoke from her cigarette. We sat like that watching the tv and eating for another hour before she shifted on my lap and wrapped her arms around my neck and laid her head on my chest sighing. I kissed the top of her head and moved my mouth close to her ear speaking softly

"Should we have some wine and call it a night?"

She nodded quickly making me chuckle but kissed her head again and patted her lap. She moved off of me and back onto her side of the bed and we both got up and took our trash and went downstairs into the kitchen. I threw away our trash while she got out a bottle of wine and two glasses and i placed my hand on her waist as we walked back upstairs into our bedroom. I sat on the bed and pulled her back onto my lap and watched her pour us two glasses before placing the bottle on the floor. We cuddled up and continued watching tv and drinking until we were both giggling messes and had finished the whole bottle together. We both decided that it was time for bed and went to the bathroom together to get ready for bed. She brushed her teeth while I brushed out my hair and when we were done with what we were doing we switched places. She sat on the counter and talked as i put on all my night creams and I listened to her with a smile. Once we were done I turned off the light and we held hands as we walked the short distance back to the bed. We pulled the covers down and got the bed ready together and crawled into bed meeting in the middle to kiss each other's lips. We slipped under the covers and I turned off the tv and the light while she laid on her side facing me and reached her hand out to rest on my stomach. I laid down as close to her as possible and took her face into my hands leaving gentle kisses all over her face until she held my face still to lock our lips. We laid there with our lips caught in between each other's and our naked legs intertwined until I pulled away to take a breath. She smiled at me before quickly connecting our lips again and pulled my thigh in between hers and slowly moving her center against my thigh. I held her hips and moved her faster against my thigh until she pulled away from the kiss panting and reached down to slip off her underwear and quickly reconnected our lips. I ran my hand down her stomach down to her center until gently running my finger through her slit and began circling her clit slowly making her moan into my mouth. I slowly started to rub her clit faster as she rocked her hips against my hand and continued moaning into my mouth. I held the back of her head with my other hand and held her hair tightly as she started to move her hips faster and her moans became more frequent and her thighs began to gently shake. After a few minutes she was pulling away from the kiss letting out soft moans as she came and I kissed and sucked on her neck as her hips moved slower and her hands went into my hair to keep my lips against her neck. After she had calmed down I pulled my hand from in between her thighs and placed it on her waist as I continued kissing her neck relishing in the sound of her soft breaths and giggles before pulling my face back to hers and laid out foreheads together. We shared a few more little kisses and pulled the blanket over our bodies more and I held her face in my hands looking down at her smiling

"I love you so much darling"

She bit her lower lip smiling and murmured against my lips

"I love you forever"


A/n:   i had this idea and thought it'd be a cute lil thing and i wanted to get back into posting on here xx

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