Comfort pt.2

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She only shrugged her shoulders and I went over to the fridge to pour Mallory's bottle . I decided to put y/n's new bottle in the cabinet and brought up Mallory's . When we got upstairs we could hear Mallory's cries and she was wiggling around in Coco's arms and y/n just sat next to them watching . I handed Coco the bottle and Mallory calmed down when she saw it

'Ms. Cordelia can you take y/n downstairs maybe I wanna put Mal down for a nap but she won't go to sleep if anyone else is in the room '

I watched her cradle Mallory and rub the nipple of the bottle against her lips until she stopped crying and began eating looking up at Coco . I went around the bed to pick up y/n and her sippy cup and Billie and I went downstairs . I sat y/n down with Billie on the couch went to the laundry room to put her sheets in the dryer . When I got back to the living room y/n was being cradled by Billie the same way Coco was cradling Mallory and y/n was crying holding onto billies shirt trying to pull her closer . I sat down next to them and started rubbing her chest hoping to calm her down . She opened her eyes for a second only to look down at my hand on her chest and pulled my hand up to start sucking my knuckle and closed her eyes again . I looked over at Billie and saw her looking down at y/n with a small smile and I reached out my other hand to hold her cheek . Y/n spat out my knuckle and looked at me and furrowed her eyebrows and deep hum started coming from her throat like she was trying to say something . Billie and I watched as she continued humming and huffed out and continued to try to say something

'Mmmmm m- m- m- mmm ma- mama mama mama mama'

Once she finally got it out she kept repeating mama and reaching for me . I looked over at Billie and she was already passing her to my arms . Billie laid her on my lap and I placed my arms around her the way Coco was holding Mallory and slipped my knuckle in between her lips . She began sucking slowly and tried keeping her eyes open but they eventually shut and she let go of my knuckle . Billie laid her head on my shoulder and nuzzled her nose in the curve of my and reached down to hold y/n's face . I pulled her face out of my neck to leave a long kiss on her lips and pulled away to look at the sleeping baby on my lap . I knew she was probably gonna wake up with pain in her back and neck if she stayed asleep on my lap but Mallory's asleep in their room and I don't want to risk waking her up . I decided I would let her sleep in my bed so I slowly stood up and laid her head in my neck so she was comfortable and looked back at Billie to motion for her to follow me . We went up to my room and Billie pulled the covers back and I laid her down pulling the blankets over her . Billie and I both kissed her forehead and slipped out of the room so we wouldn't wake her but kept the door cracked open so if she woke up crying we would hear her . We left the door after we stood out there for a second to make sure she didn't wake up and saw Coco leaving their room the same way Billie and I where . We all went downstairs and went into the kitchen to Coco could wash the bottle Mallory just used

'Well Mallory just put up quite the fight over taking a nap . She said she wanted to play with y/n but I told her I could take them to the park when she woke up if that's ok with you two'

'Of course we're so glad you're all getting along already I'm sure you remember how nerve racking your first week here was'

'Oh trust me I remember but the girls are getting along just fine you don't have to worry about that . So you guys are sure you're ok with me taking the girls to the park when they wake up'

'They need time outside of the house to bond and run around since Miss buzzkill doesn't let us run around the house . But if you don't mind Delia and I would like to come along too just so we can spend time with y/n and I've got to say I've grown a liking to Mallory'

'Oh of course you guys can tag along it'll be nice to have adult company and a little help . Once Mallory starts playing it's a war to get her off the play structure and I'm sure y/n's the same way'

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