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Wilhemina Venable x Reader

A splitting headache and a scratchy throat woke me up while it was still dark outside. I tried sitting up but as soon as I started moving I felt like I had been hit by a truck. I reached under my pillow for my phone to check the time and saw it was 4:30 in the morning. I fucking hate everything. As soon as I was looking at the bright screen my headache got worse and my eyes felt like they were burning. I threw my phone down next to me and covered my eyes trying to take a deep breath but as soon as I tried my chest hurt and my nose plugged up. So I'm sick. How fun I love life. I slowly sat up and leaned against the wall sighing and almost started crying when I realized how much pain I was in. The only place I go is work so I had to have gotten sick there. I groaned when I realized I had to stay awake to call out of work and I tried standing up just to go get medicine. I made my way to the bathroom and searched around in the dark and finally found a bottle of NyQuil only to find out that it was basically empty. I drank the tiny amount and winced when I had to force it down my throat. I stumbled back to bed and turned on the tv to keep myself awake and turned the volume down so my head wouldn't start hurting more. I watched Law and Order for two hours spaced out until I realized I could probably call work now. I grabbed my phone and quickly turned the brightness down all the way before calling my work and telling the man who answered the phone I had to call in sick. He sounded a bit worried when I told him I was Ms. Venable's assistant but I would be terrified too if I had to tell her that her assistant wasn't coming in. I hung up and felt bad for him before the feeling of vomit rising up my throat took over my thoughts and I ran to the bathroom and threw up in the bathtub. How wonderful. I sat down next to it once I was done and leaned my head against the edge of the tub. I ended up falling asleep there but was woken up by the loud sound of my phone ringing back in my room a few minutes later. I crawled back over and grabbed my phone answering the call without opening my eyes

"Ms . Y/l/n are you sure there's no way you could come in today? Ms. Venable flipped her lid when I told her you're not going to be coming in"

"I'm positive there's no way I can go in. I just threw up in the bathtub, fell asleep next to it and I don't have any medicine so she's gonna have to deal without me today. Let her know I'm sorry and will be coming in tomorrow"

I hung up and crawled up onto my bed and fell back asleep sprawled out on the bed. I woke back up sweating while shivering and feeling like I couldn't move. The sun was shining through the curtains so I assumed a lot of time had passed and I reached for my phone to check the time. It was 12 in the afternoon so I figured I should probably get up and try to get something done if I was gonna be at home. I sat up slowly and took a tiny sip of water to help my throat. I went to the bathroom to get more medicine and saw the vomit still in the tub. I washed it all out and went to look for medicine but remembered that I had absolutely none. Not even a tiny drop. I leaned against the counter thinking about what to do. I don't have a car and all my friends are at work so I'm going to have to take the bus to the store but if I get on the bus I could get more sick but I have no other option. I groaned as I dragged my feet slowly making my way back to my room to get dressed and ready to leave. Times like this makes me wish that I lived with someone else but sadly I am very much so alone so I have to do all of this myself. I put on a hoodie and leggings and as I sat down on my bed to take catch my breath I laid down for just a second and let my eyes slowly close and decided one more nap wouldn't hurt anyone. So I slept and slept and slept until my eyes shot back open and I thought they had only closed for a second. I sat back up and grabbed my phone ready to get up and went on my phone to see I had fallen asleep for 5 hours. Holy fuck. I quickly left my apartment and went down to the bus stop hoping to catch the right one to get me to any store. I waited for half an hour until one pulled up and I got in without thinking about where it was taking me. I looked out the window and got off on the first stop so I wouldn't get too far from home and walked for a while until I finally found a cvs. I went in and winced as the bright lights hit my eyes and pulled my sunglasses down sighing. I stumbled around the store looking at everything until I found the medicine isle. I grabbed what I thought I needed and walked around some more looking for snacks and something to drink when I heard someone call my name. I turned around in a circle until I saw my boss standing behind me with her eyes squinted

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