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It's my favorite holiday! Happy 420 to everyone who celebrates

"You can just eat gummies then Wilhemina! Just have a little nibble"

"I don't eat gummies y/n I'm not a child"

"Yeah and these aren't for kids duh"

I shook the bag of edibles in between us and she shook her head chuckling

"Why do you want me to get high with you so bad y/n you've never even seen me smoke anything"

"Its 420! You have to celebrate with me today it's like the law!"

We both started laughing together and I stepped closer to her wrapping my arms around her neck. She pecked my lips and held my waist

"Once I finish my work I'll smoke with you if you promise to stop bothering me about it"

I rolled my eyes but brought my pinky up and she locked hers in mine. I pulled back excitedly and held up the bag. She chuckled watching me and shook her head walking upstairs. I laid down on the couch while I waited for her to finish up what she was working on in her office. I knew it was going to take her a couple of hours to finish up but I can't waste valuable time laying here when I could be getting high. I packed a bowl and took a couple few hits back to back before putting it down. I should've changed the water. I sat back on the couch with a cigarette and coke and connected my phone to the speakers set around the house to play lana del rey as loud as I could without disturbing Mina too much. After three hours Wilhemina finally stood before me. I hadn't even heard her stomping down the stairs like she normally does

"Go get dressed I wanna make your first time smoking weed special!"

I stood up slowly and placed my hands on her shoulders looking up at her smiling. She shook her head smiling and laid her hands on my waist

"And where are we going huh? And how are you already stoned?"

"Because you took so damn long up there. And we're going to the beach duh what better place is there"

"What beach?"

She acts like there's not a million

"We live in California babe there's a gazillion near us come on!"

I took her hand and led her upstairs and up to our room. Wilhemina got changed but I decided to stay in the leggings and hoodie I was in. We grabbed a towel for us to sit on at the beach and went back downstairs. I packed a small bag with all of my paraphernalia and a diet coke out of the fridge and we were on our way. Wilhemina drove us down to a beach near our apartment and we held hands as we walked down the beach looking for a good spot to set up. We found a nice spot and I helped Wilhemina sit down while she complained

"You know if I sit down I won't be able to get back up y/n"

So dramatic

"You'll be able to get up stop making yourself out to be some cold crone. And even if you are an old crone that can't stand back up, I'll be here to help you up don't you worry"

I sat down next to her and kissed her forehead and she scoffed at me rolling her eyes. I took out a very small joint I rolled for her earlier just to see how weed affects her before getting her too high. I handed it to her and she held it between her fingers awkwardly and stared at it. I giggled at her and crawled closer to her and took the joint from her and slipped it between her lips. She rolled her eyes but smiled at me and I brought the lighter up lighting the joint. She scrunched her eyebrows as she inhaled and exhaled quickly. She started coughing immediately and I had to cover my mouth so I didn't start laughing and handed her my soda. She continued coughing for a while before taking a few sips of the soda and laughed as she caught her breath. I rubbed her back and kissed her cheek as she calmed down enough to take another hit. I'm so proud of her. She handed it to me but I only took a tiny hit before handing it back to her

"One of us has to be able to drive us home babe"

She pulled me over to lay my head on her lap and stroked my hair while her hand that was holding the joint held my head. I looked up at her as she took a few hits until the joint burned down. She was laughing at everything and swayed side to side gently. She looked up at the sky smiling and I chuckled at her sitting up

"You having fun Mina?"

She looked at me and nodded slightly smiling with red eyes. I reached out to hold her cheek and leaned in to kiss her lips. She held the back of my head smiling against my lips. I pulled away to hold her cheeks and she leaned our foreheads together as we smiled at each other listening to the sound of the waves behind us. I kissed the tip of her nose and then her cheek

"Can we go home baby? I feel like I'm gonna knock out and I want cuddles"

She looked at me with her eyes half shut and I chuckled kissed her forehead and nodded. I put everything away and helped Mina stand up. I picked up the towel and linked arms with Mina as I helped her walk up the beach to where we were parked. She kept giggling and tripping over her feet and I had to question weather this was actually happening or if this was some weird dream. Never in my days did I think i'd be walking the big bad Wilhemina Venable to the car after getting her high while she acted like a toddler. I finally got her into her car and strapped in and put the towel and bag by her feet. She pulled my face down to hers for a kiss and pulled away with a cheesy smile. I leaned our foreheads together for a second before kissing her cheek and closing her door. I drove home as fast as I could because Mina kept whining and making any noise she could to get my attention on herself and not on the road. I got us home alive after almost getting into 20 car accidents every time Mina would squeal or shriek to get my attention. I helped her out of the car and practically dragged her up to our door. I dropped my bag and towel on the floor as soon as we were in the apartment and Wilhemina and pointed at the kitchen while looking at me with her eyebrows raised

"Food please woman"

I scoffed at her and we both started laughing as we walked to the kitchen. We held as many snacks in our arms as we could and went to the bedroom. I helped Wilhemina change into comfortable clothes and we laid down in bed cuddling with the snacks and turned on the tv. I let her go through the channels and choose what we watched and once she chose something she laid her head on my chest and I wrapped my arms around her shoulder holding her body against mine. We were silent for a while and if it weren't for the loud crunching sounds coming from her I would've thought she was already asleep. After a while she looked up at me


I hummed and she blinked slowly

"I swear to god my mind feels like it's in fucking hello kitty land or something I'm gonna fucking die"

I chuckled a bit and brushed the hair out of her face

"You're just high honey you're not gonna die"

She looked skeptical but laid her face on my chest chuckling lowly. I tightly held her and ran my fingers through her hair and rubbing her back. I stayed awake until I heard her snores and then I pushed  all the snacks onto the floor and turned off the tv throwing the remote somewhere on the bed. That's all tomorrows problem

A/n   what was ur first time smoking the devils lettuce like??? Mine was the hello kitty land idk how else to explain it

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