The Christmas Chronicles : Part 4

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Mildred Ratched

(This pic has sm good vibes i luv it look how Sarah's looking at that kid😭)

Where the fuck is she ? Mildred said she would be home by 7 and it's 7:50 and she's still not here . I tried calling the hospital but nurse Bucket answered and told me she was busy and hung up so that was helpful . I'm sitting on the couch watching some show with a glass of wine patiently waiting for her but I'm starting to loose patience . We're supposed to bake Christmas cookies and watch movies together since it's Christmas Eve but she didn't even call to say she was gonna be home late . Looking at the tv I sighed and got up to wash my glass . I'm at the sink when I hear the door open and Mildred announcing that she's home . I finish washing my glass and the other dishes in the sink without turning around to look at her or even acknowledge that she's home . I hear her footsteps getting near and I feel her arms wrap around my waist . I stay focused on the dishes and when I don't say hello to her she squeezed her arms tighter around my waist and rested her head on my shoulder . I felt her softly kiss my neck and I inhaled sharply deciding to ask what took so long

'Why are you home late . You said you would be home by 7 at the latest and it's almost 8'

I hear her sigh and she slightly loosened her grip around my waist but kept her arms around me

'I had to argue with Dr. Hanover to let me have the day off tomorrow . That man can argue longer than you baby . But he said I can have the day off tomorrow if I finished all my work for tomorrow today'

I turned around to look up at her to see if she was lying but when I looked at her face she seemed to be telling the truth so I chose to believe her and wrapped my arms around her neck pulling her face down to kiss her . I leaned my back against the counter and pulled her with me and continued kissing her but moved my hands to hold her face . She pulled away and I wrapped my arms back around her neck and laid my head on her shoulder hugging her . I felt her rub my back and nuzzled her face in my neck

'You wanna bake the cookies now ?'

I pulled away to look at her and bit my lip to contain my smiled and nodded . She smiled too and kissed my forehead and moved her hands to squeeze my waist

'Ok let me go change and then I'm all yours I promise'

She kissed me quickly before running off to the bedroom . I started taking out the cookie dough and went to the living room to put on a Christmas movie and went to the bedroom to get Mildred . When I went into the room she was pulling a nightgown over her head . When she saw me she only smiled and walked over to the bathroom . She came out with her hair down and makeup off and took my hand walking us to the kitchen . We started baking and once the cookies where in the oven Mildred picked me up walking over to the living room laying on the couch with me still on top of her . She started watching the movie and I laid down on top of her laying my head on her exposed chest . We stayed cuddling on the couch until the oven went off telling us the cookies where ready . I jumped off Mildred and ran into the kitchen to excitedly take the cookies out . I was reaching for one of the cookies but I felt Mildred pick me up again and move me to the side before I could get it

'Hold on baby they're too hot you can't eat them yet'

I've got a bad idea-

'You're hot as fuck and you still let me eat you'

I had to . She scoffed but picked me up so we would be eye level and I rested my forehead against hers . She sat me down on the counter standing in between my legs so I wrapped my arms and legs around her to keep her close and pulled her into a tight hug . She let out a small laugh but wrapped her arms around my waist and held onto me . We stayed like that for a while and I thought I was might fall asleep but she started patting my back and I pulled away to look at her

'I think the cookies are ready now'

I smiled and nodded still feeling sleepy so I laid my head on her shoulder again and she picked me up and got two cookies . She sat back down on the couch with me on her lap and handed me a cookie . I got comfortable on her lap and turned my head to look at the tv and started eating . I heard her talking to me but I was was still too sleepy to respond so I rubbed my face on her chest and let my eyes close falling asleep on her lap with the movie playing in the background and my half eaten cookie in my hand .

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