Safe pt. 3

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Readers Pov
I woke up in a dark room and by myself with Ella . Where's my mama ? I sat up and clutched Ella and my blankie in one hand and grabbed onto one of the bars of the crib with my other hand. I pulled myself up on wobbly legs but fell back down . I huffed out in frustration and kept trying to pull myself up . I just want to get out of my crib and find my mama but I can't stand up . I sat down and wrapped myself in the fluffy blanket and began crying hoping mama would hear me and come get me out . I started crying louder to get her attention but she still wasn't coming so I started yelling so she would finally come hold me


I dropped my head and started crying harder . What if she went bye byes and left me here by myself ? What if Alex finds me here by myself and takes me away from my mama for forever . I held my head in my hands and started rocking back and forth to soothe myself . I brought Ella up to my face and rubbed her soft head against my nose . I want my mama to come hold me

Wilhemina's Pov

Ive been working downstairs at the table just going through emails and doing boring shit waiting for my baby to wake up . She's been out cold for 3 hours and I'm starting to get a little worried but Joe reassured me that she's probably just tired from the long day she's had . He's probably right but that didn't stop me from checking up on her every 30 minutes . I'm sitting at the table but now watching Netflix and drinking a big ass glass of wine to calm my nerves . I'm also trying to watch all my adult shows now since I have a feeling that from now on all I'll be watching are baby and toddler shows but that's completely fine with me as long as my princess is happy . Speaking of my princess I haven't checked on her in a while . I gulped down the rest of my wine and paused my show taking out my headphones . As soon as they're out I hear loud cries coming from upstairs and y/n calling for me . I immediately got up grabbing my cane and leaving the kitchen as fast as my cane would allow . As I was walking past the living room to go up the stairs I saw Joe and Melisa passed out on the couch . So where we all just deaf to my baby's cries ? I suppose so . I scoffed but went up stairs as fast as I could and to her nursery . When I opened the door I saw her still sitting in her crib but holding Ella up to her face crying . I went up the crib and gently touched the top of her head so I wouldn't scare her . I stroked her hair and lifted her head up by her chin so she would look at me . She looked up at me with a tear stained red face and she continued to cry looking up at me . I leaned my cane against the crib and leaned myslef against it as well to make sure I didn't fall . I picked her up and she immediately wrapped her legs around my torso and her arms around my neck but stayed facing me . I got my cane and walked over to the rocking chair across the room to be more comfortable and so I could properly speak to y/n . When I was seated I leaned my back against the chair and moved her in my arms so I was cradling her and rocked her slowly just trying to calm her down . I watched my crying baby on my lap and shushed her and stroked her cheek wiping her tears as they continued to fall . After a while she was still crying but seemed to be slowly calming down and held my hand against her face rubbing it against her cheek

'Why are you so sad my sweet baby you where just taking a nap'

I smiled at her to keep her calm and continued stroking her cheek . Her lip started wobbling and I could see tears forming in her eyes again . She bit her lip to stop it from wobbling and closed her eyes so the tears wouldn't fall . I held her face in both my hands and fought back my own tears when I saw the heartbroken look on her face

'Why no 'ere mama'

She cried harder and rubbed her face against my chest . I held her closer to me and leaned down to kiss the top of her head hoping to soothe her

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