Sick pt. 2

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Time skip next morning

It felt as though I had just closed my eyes when I heard birds chirping outside and the sun shining into my room through a crack in the curtains. I tried turning onto my back but I felt something curled up behind me. I smiled with my eyes still closed and slowly moved onto my other side to see my daughter curled up with her stuffed animal and blankie fast asleep. I brushed some hair out of her face to kiss her forehead and watched her sleep with a cheesy grin on my face. My daughter is the only person I've ever truly loved and I didn't know what love really felt like until I got pregnant with her. The moment I heard her heart beat I fell in love with her. And thankfully for me she seems to think that I'm a good mother and has been attached to me since she was a baby. I rubbed her arm gently and began tickling under her chin to get her to wake up. When I saw a small smile forming on her face I pulled myself up and pulled her onto my lap holding her tightly. Her eyes began to open and she looked up at me smiling still holding onto her stuffed animal and blankie. I rubbed our noses together making her giggle and pulled away to kiss her cheek

"Good morning my little baby dove. Why'd you crawl into bed with mommy again huh?"

I honestly don't mind her sleeping in bed with me. I would love to have her as close to me as possible at all times so I can always make sure she's safe but I know that it's important for her to have some independence. But she still sneaks into my room almost every night

"I was cold in my room and I wanted to cuddle!"

I adore her with everything in me. I hugged her tightly until she was giggling and squealing loudly. I finally loosened my grip around her and kissed the top of her head before pulling away and moved her off my lap to stand up

"Let's go make some breakfast my love and then we can watch movies and color all day doesn't that sound nice?"

She nodded quickly and pulled my arms to help me get up. I spend so much time working during the week that I reserve the weekend strictly for spending time with my daughter. We usually spend time in the house doing whatever she wants to do which is usually just cuddling on the couch watching movies and eating candies. She followed me into the bathroom while I brushed my teeth used the bathroom since she still has hasn't grasped the idea of privacy and then we went down the hall to brush her teeth. We walked downstairs to the kitchen and I told her we had to be extra quiet since my friend was still sleeping upstairs. I left her sitting on the couch while I went upstairs to check on y/n. I knocked on the door softly but when I heard no response I slowly opened the door and saw her still passed out with one arm and one leg hanging off the edge of the bed and the sheet bunched up at the end of the bed. I walked over to her to move her limbs back onto the bed and covered her with the sheet. I left her room and left the door closed so Amethyst wouldn't wake her up on accident and went back downstairs where she was still waiting for me on the couch. When she saw me she ran over to me and wrapped her arms around my hips tightly as I walked us over to the kitchen. I opened the window over the stove and helped Amethyst get on top of the counter so she could be next to me while I made us breakfast. She's a really picky eater and will only eat waffles and yogurt in the morning so I made us that and made some eggs for y/n since it would be easier for her to eat than waffles. Once everything was made I made tea for myself and y/n and poured juice in a sippy cup for my daughter. I set her up at the table and had her wait for me while I went upstairs to wake up y/n and give her her medicine and breakfast. When I got up to her door I could hear her coughing and sniffling so I knocked on the door first to let her know I was coming in and slowly opened the door with my elbow to see her sitting up leaning against the wall looking miserable as ever. When she saw me she smile a bit and gave me a little wave before she started coughing loudly again. I walked in and set the plate down in front of her and sat at the end of the bed feeling her forehead with the back of my head

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