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Dr Brenner frowned behind the glass - Five had failed him again

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Dr Brenner frowned behind the glass - Five had failed him again. The girl, so small and meek, trembled in her chair - whether from the cold or the fear it was unclear. Her hair was shorter here, buzzcut, and a hospital gown drowned her.

Today was another test - one on her ability to manipulate any object. In front of her sat a rabbit one she was supposed to turn into nothing but ash, although she couldn't bring herself to do it.

"Sorry, Papa," She whispered looking down at her hands, not caring as blood dripped onto the white tiles. Brenner sighed and excused himself.

He walked around to where Five was and knelt to her level, "Why won't you do this for me, Five? Do you not want me to be proud?"

"I do," She cried but he shook his head, "Then do it."

Five frowned as she moved her gaze to the rabbit that sat unaware on the table. She shut her eyes and tried to concentrate on the task but couldn't. "No," She sobbed, "I won't... I cant." Brenner's hand slammed onto the table in anger making Five jumps.


"No, Five, no apologies - just do it!" Papa screamed in her face.

"Apologies?" She questioned earning a stern look.

"Just tell me why, Five? Why can't you perform the simplest of tasks?"

Five looked away from the man and wiped a few of her stray tears, "Hop-" she began but stopped herself.

"Hop?" Brenner questioned, "You won't do it because it hops?"

"No," She blurted, "Hopper."

Dr Brenner's face suddenly turned darker, he nodded to the guards, who instinctively grabbed her fragile body and dragged her down the hallway. Five screamed for them to stop and resisted but they wouldn't break and Dr Brenner just watched.

She didn't even know what she did wrong.

"It's three-one-five," Eleven announced.

"They'll be here," Five assured her. It wasn't till it turned three-two-zero did the boys show up, Mike braving a cut on his chin.

"Are you okay?" Mike questioned as he pulled up next to Five. She nodded in response and climbed onto the back of his bike.

Five felt free as the two biked through the fields, the wind ran through her short her and she soon found a smile form across her lips. "I like," She whispered into Mike's ear.

"Like what? The bike?" Five nodded, "Well once we find Will, I can get you one of your own and I could teach you - i-if you want."

The girl smiled at the proposition, "Promise?"

"Yeah, I promise," Mike told her, "It'll be really good to be able to bike with someone other than Dustin, Lucas, or Will."

"What's wrong with Dustin, Lucas, and Will?"

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