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I was starting to doze off,"W-where am I who are you". Finally he woke up. I began moving over towords the hero" you what do y-uoibwant with me". "Oh nothing much just.......... ɎØɄⱤ
₱₳ł₦₣łⱠⱠɆĐ ₴₵ⱤɆ₳₥₴" I grabbed a knife off a cart and cut a long deep gash painfully slow on the hero's arm. Screams filled the room, to bad for him the walls around soundproof. The knife and are were covered in blood. I continued to cut the skin off of the hero and placing them in a bag. When I was done with that I pulled a lever to make the table fall forword making the hero face fully towards me walking back to the cart I grabbed a needle filled with bright yellow liquid. "Now now, stop fighting just go to sleep"I said injecting the liquid into the hero's neck. He amedeantly fell asleep.

I grabbed the bags of things off the desk and exited the room and headed to my room making sure to not be seen. Walking in I placed the stuff on the table and got changed in my normal outfit. I put back on my gloves and put a bag on my head. I when back over to the bags and pulled out a few things I got for everyone and placed them in there oun bags. I grabbed all the bags and headed down the Hall towords 505 and gave him a bag full of stuffed toys. I then headed towards dementcia's room knowing on it. "Whoooo issssss ittttt" "I-i's flug" "nerd your back, finally it took you forever" "s-sorry about that but I did get you some things" I handed her the bag of things like chins and some food. Grabbing it she started to look throug it "awwww thanks flug you know me soooooooo well". "Hehe well I did creat you" she started at me for a second smiling. I quickly left the room and headed to black hats room. I didn't go in bit I place the bag of things down and wrote a note for him. I knocked and ran down the Hall back to the lab and began working on inventions.

Some one knocked on my door them I heard running. I opened the door and there was a bag and a note, I gerabed them both.
Sorry boss I don't really know what you like so I got what I thought you might like.
Huh-.i looked in the bag there where a bunch of knifes, some hero voodo dolls, and a tie? I never got a tie as a offering. I placed the bag on a nightstand and headed to bed.

I was working on the acid ray, I was almost done I just needed to create the container for the acid, thats going to take at least two days. I kept working for another 6 hours it was the next day but I kept working and going between monsters and coffee. I was half way done with the container, "guess this will be quicker than I thought" mumbling to myself. I might need to take a break. "What would I do though.......... ł

I placed all the tools I had and my bag on the work bench and walked back to the wall and pressing the tile like before, walking in. I grabbed the bag that had the hero's skin in it and sat on the floor in front of the hero and began to eat. After a while he woke up and started at me a bit"wh....... What are y-you eating"." your skin" I awnsered calmly" MY-MY WHAT, WHY!"." really. I'm a carnivorous dragon human hybrid. What did you expect me to eat a carrots"I said finishing the bag off. I stood up grabbing another power stabilizer and injecting the hero but he broke free of the cuffs holding him and he punched me right in my goggles making glass invade my eye he punched me again and again finally he grew tired and calapsed due to pain and exhaustion I suppose. Taking advantage of the hero passing out I injected him again and tied him up with come chains lying around just for now. I walked out the room to the bathroom next to it and took off my goggles. Looking at my eye, it wasn't to bad but it will take a bit to heal. Grabbing some gauzes and bandaging my eye.

Black hat
I woke up and grogaly sat up, yawning. I quickly shaped my fingers and my normal clothes paired on me. I made my way to the door passing the bag and tie flug gave me. I gerabed the tie and put it on replacing the one I had on before. I made my way to my office and sat down and began thinking of what to do, I need to check on the progress flugs made. "FLUG I want to see you in my office in ten minutes, don't be late" I yelled in to the intercom connected to the lab. Two minutes later I heard soft knocking on my door. "Come in flug~"a smile creeping on my face.

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