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I'M NOT DEAD YET BICHES! I'm so sorry for this taking so long I really don't have any excuse except I was lazy.........I hope y'all can forgive me
By the way i got all this info of black hats powers on the internet so if it's wrong sorry ___________________________________________
"I'm here to clam my throne of being ₮ⱧɆ M̶Ø₴₮ ɆVłⱠ ₳₦Đ ₣Ɇ₳ⱤɆĐ VłⱠⱠł₳₦ ł₦ ₮ⱧɆ ₩ØⱤⱠĐ "," oh really now, Ɇ₦₮Ø₦₵Ɇ₴ VɆ₦ ₳ ₥ł ₵₳Ɽ₳ ĐɆ ₥łɆⱤĐ₳"(then come at me bitch). I jumped out of the tree and landed on the ground dodging a Tentacle covered in eyes and mouths, gross.( but also hot😏,sorry XD).I tried running up to him but I was hit by a blast of fire burning my face and arm badly. I jumped back having to dodging more tinticals in the air. I took off flying fast behind him and hitting him behind the head and scratched up his back with my claws drawing bright green blood.

Once I attacked him I tried to fly back but he caught my tail hurting himself with the spikes. He tried pulling me closer to him but I just cut the tentacle to get free. I flew into the woods trying to loose him or at least hide so my arm and face could heal quickly. Weaving throughout the trees and dodging contintly between fire and tentacles trying not to get hit. Fire blazed around me surrounding any path of flying. I grabed my axe and blew on it, flames of blue, green, and orange covered the axe. Flying to the ground I began slicing more tentacles and blowing more fire ( bro this is so bad🥲). He hit me strait in the face breaking my horn and leaving a hevaly bleeding gash on my forehead. He looked proud of himself, I caught him off guard by grabbing the broken horn off the floor and pounding it into his eye making his monocle shatter reveling a bright yellow eye (this might  not make since but its my au so shush ᐕ). I backed away him screaming in pain clutching hie eye. He shot tones of tentacles and grabbed me pining me to the ground as well as making my axe fly into a tree. He wasn't loosening his grip so I did the only other thing I could( this is also not going to make since). I sprouted a second par of arms and ripped off the tentacles holding my top arms causing bright green blood spray all over me. I ran to grab my axe and swung at a tree blackhat just threw at me cutting it in half with ease. I noticed the fire from before went away so I took off and began to fly a random detection. I ended back into the city and ducked into a darkened building I hid there and waited. Rumbling and cracking could be hear I then felt small pieces of cement fall onto me. When I was checking if it was cement one side of the building was knocked off and it began to fall "shit nononono" I tryed to fly away but a a giant concert chunk fell onto my wing making me fall and hit my head and pass out.

I didn't hear him or see him fly out.....did I finally kill him? ⱧɆⱧɆⱧɆⱧ₳ⱧⱧ₳Ⱨ₳Ⱨ₳Ⱨ₳Ⱨ₳Ⱨ ₣ł₦₳ⱠⱠɎ ⱧɆ'₴ ₲Ø₦Ɇ. He was being a little pest trying to take my thrown, though he could have been useful if he didn't try to kill me. -I scofed- never the less he's dead now no need to dwell on it. I turned around and started walking back to the my house.

I felt cold..... numb even. I felt sleepy my eye lids heavy. A bright light shined no I can't die yet not yet no no no no no no black hat need me.ⱧɆ.₦ɆɆĐ₴.M̶Ɇ.i open my eyes to see bright light. Wait wasn't it darker before? I sit up and feel a strong pain in my back I look back and see my wing covered in ruble. I try to lift it up but I'm to weak to move it., it's to big and I don't have any energy for anything. I look arowned and see my axe I reach for it, it was nearly to far away but I grabed it. I tried to pry the ruble off me but to no avail. I divided one the only other option. I pulled out one of my arms out of my sleeve "this is going to fucking hurt".I shoved the sleeve in my mouth and lifted my axe up in the air and -CRUNCH- "aaaahahhhhhhhhh muferfufer shmt"muffled curses was all that could be heard. I looked back blood sprayed out of the open wound like a river I began to feel lightheaded before I passed out again I ripped my jacket sleeve off and raped it around my now served wing nub tightly. I then slowly stuld up and grabed on a parshly standing wall for balance and began to walk out of the collapsed building and towards the woods. ___________________________________________
881 words

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