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Warning: vomiting

None pov
It's been a week since flug came back, the purple liquid has worn off and everything has been normal for now......

I was working in my lab making a petrification gun,man I've missed this being out and free is nice but I feel comfortable here it's peaceful.-SHATTER-CRASH-BANG-aaaaand there goes the peacefulness "nerrrd~ it's time to eat breakfast~" dementia screened running up and down the hall." Ok I'll be down in a bit-"." blackhat said now""I'm busy right now just give me a minute""fiiiiine"she grounded running to the kitchen. I got back to working when I suddenly got pulled under the ground and landed in a very angry looking blackhats arms"mind explaining why you keep avoiding breakfast" I got nervous and came up with a quick lie" s-s-sorry j-jefecito I k-keep forgetting I dident really need to e-eat while a 'ghost', it's only b-been a week since I could again"."flug we understand that but you can keep saying that as an excuse to not take care of yourself"he started to sound pissed" ok j-just put me down please".once blackhat dropped me my feet and I regained my balance I walked up to the fridge and grabbed a cup of coffee and chugged it down to try and wake up more.I put more coffee in the mug and walked over to the table sitting down. After a bit 505 came up to me holding a stack of pancakes and then placing them in front of me as well as handing me a knife and fork."th-thanks 505" I shakaly started to eat the food the sweetness hitting against my tung causing me to quietly gag. here's to hoping it's not as bad as last time.

I had finished my food and excused myself from the tale to walk then run to the bathroom. One in I locked the door, took off my bag and goggles and started to through up until my throat was raw and sore." Qué diablos, por qué no puedo retener nada? ¡ESTOY MURIENDO!"(what the hell, why can't i keep anything down?AM I DYING!) get it together flug you can't be dying nothing bad enough has happened to cause that. I got up and looked at myself in the mirror I looked particle the same minus the darker banged under my eyes and a couple scares from trees.I washed my face with cold water to try and calm my nerves. I left the bathroom and got back to the lab and started to work again
Time skip
I had finished the gun and just put it up for safety when I was grabbed from behind and taken into blackhat's room"jefecito do you really have to do that all the time"." Nooo but it Funner~"" can you let go so I can at least take a shower please, I'm covered in chemicals ?" He let go of me grumbling a fine. I got to the bathroom and started a shower getting undressed and showering.

Flugs taking to long. I got up and opined the door of the bathroom and yelled "flug hurry up yo-S-SORRY-"I slammed the door and just tryed to proses what I just saw. I SAW FLUG NAKED!!!!!!!! My face started to flush a bright green hue.he had a fucking 6 pack HOW, and why was he covered in scars-I mentally face palmed myself. Of course he has scars he crashed a fucking plan in my house when we met.i saw his hair aswell it was long and blond with the bottom of it a strange faded pink color.I kept thinking about how flug looked my mind thinking so many thing that my head started to hurt so I just layer down and just tried to rest.

I got finished changing and left the bathroom heading to blackhat's bed and laying down with him cuddling up to his back and softly falling asleep.
692 words

I can't draw abs that well but I tried, sorry if it's bad

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I can't draw abs that well but I tried, sorry if it's bad

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