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After they had gotten out of the pool and dried off. Austin and Mac went through the boxes of stuff various companies had sent him looking for clothing for the three siblings. Austin had insisted, saying that it would be easier than the hour ride back to their house to get a change of clothing. Holi may or may not have implied that they have a house downtown. Austin does not need to know the logistics of their life.

Austin had been right about companies just sending him random stuff, most of the clothing boxes he opened had men's wear that Mac filled his arms with very quickly. There were a few boxes of woman's wear, Holi took three sets of outfits, underwear, and one set of pajamas. She will never voice out loud that today will be the first time she has ever worn anything brand new and not stolen.

They find a box full of kids' clothing in the last bedroom so Bell gets clothing too. She squeals in excitement when she sees a dark blue pajama short set with red lobsters all over it. There are two sets and she grabs both, holding them close to her chest "mine" she says as she runs away from Holi and strait into Austin's arms who wastes no time in scooping her up.

"Bell, just take one. Please give me back the other one."

Bell shakes her head and tucks herself further into Austin's side.

Austin huffs a laugh and shakes his head.
"Leave her be, they would have been chucked out eventually anyway." He says while cuddling her.

Holi does not like the alliance that seems to be forming between Austin and Bell. It's going to be bad enough dealing with Mac when Austin is done scratching his little charity itch, but if Bell gets attached to him it's going to be pure hell.  She rolls her eyes and says fine while taking Bell from Austin's arms.

Walking into the main house has both Mac and Holi a little gobsmacked. Everything looked expensive, luxurious, and clean. Mac moves a little closer to Holi and she knows it's because he is afraid to break anything. Holi suspects that if they did break anything it would take them the rest of their lives to pay it back. She holds Bell tighter to her chest when she wriggles in her arms after seeing a huge indoor waterfall taking up a whole wall. Holi just knows she wants to touch, that would be a mistake.

Bell's gone from wriggling to whining and Holi knows the next step will be a full-blown tantrum. Bell does not often throw a tantrum, but when she does no one wants to be around for it. Holi whispers in her ear trying to shush her, but it's no use, she is about ready to blow.

"Put her down" Austin has stopped walking and is looking at Holi with a raised brow and a frown.

"She will go straight for your stupid indoor waterfall. Also, there is so much glass in here. She might break something," Holi snaps.

"So what, it's just stuff. I will get someone to move the glass stuff, I don't want her hurting herself if she does break anything," Austin says like it's no big deal.

Bell lets out an almighty screech.

"Put her down Holiday," Austin says sternly.

Now on most days if someone spoke like that to her and used her full name as he has just done she would have found their most expensive vase and accidentally tipped it over herself. But for some reason Holi finds herself complying without complaint at Austin's instructions. It might have something to do with the fact that Austin is more concerned about Bell's safety as opposed to the cost of his belongings.

Once down, Bell makes a beeline for the waterfall, giggling as she runs her hands through the rushing water. Within seconds there is a ton of water on the floor. Holi holds her tongue. Austin has called over two young women and starts to point out ornaments that he would like them to put in one of the spare rooms. Mac is still frozen in place, not trusting himself to not break all the expensive shit around him.

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