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It's well after lunch by the time they get back to Austin's house. Both Mac and Bell are asleep in the back seat so Austin takes Mac and Holi takes Bell. They are both caked in sticky icing and glitter by the time they gently place the sleeping siblings on the bed.

Holi watches as Mac reaches out and pulls Austin in for a hug in his sleep. She is pretty sure that the smile on Austin's face hurts his cheeks given how big it is. Mac is only 10 years old but he has had to grow up pretty fast, never had the luxury of getting icing all over him while giggling with his baby sister, never had the luxury of falling asleep in the back of car from the sheer exhaustion of being happy, never had the luxury of having some form of father figure scoop him up and carry him gently to bed. So he may be sleeping right now but the way he is clinging to Austin, Holi knows exactly what he is dreaming about. It's the same type of dreams Holi had at that age...he is dreaming of being loved.

Yes, Holi has always given him love, made sure to let him know that he matters, that she loves him, that she would not exist if it was not for him...a real family type of love? That's just different. Holi watches as Austin reluctantly pulls out of Mac's arms and brushes his hair out of his face then he leans over and kisses Bell on the cheek and she smiles in her sleep.

Watching Austin, Holi realizes that while she has been so worried about Mac and Bell forming a connection with Austin she did not see the connection he had formed towards them. While she was concerned about the loss they would feel she should have thought about the loss he would feel too. Austin was in deep when it came to Mac and Bell.

It may be because Holi has pushed herself to knock down some walls today and to force herself to believe, also may be that the connection she feels towards Austin is so intense or it could just be that Austin in a threadbare v neck and ass sculpting jeans makes her lose control...whatever the excuse, once out of the room and in the passage Holi launches herself at Austin who already has his arms open in invite.

He wraps his arms around her and pulls her in tight, spinning them so she is pushed up against the wall and then his mouth is on her's his tongue slipping into her mouth and forcing it open with so much dominance that she finds herself melting with every lick of his tongue. It's a sensual kiss and it's heating up pretty fast.

He keeps her pressed up against the wall and slips his leg between hers while he takes his time to explore her mouth with his. She slips her arms around his neck as she starts thrusting her hips very lightly against his thigh. Her body tingles all over, he makes her body tingle all over and she wants more.

But she can feel him start to pull back and she wants to scream. She does not know how much more of this she can take. He is going to be the death of her, she is sure of it. She wants to demand that he stops playing games with her and just gives her want she wants - what he wants. But when he looks at her with that face, that face that seems so torn like he is arguing with himself in his head. She chooses to leave it to let him deal with whatever demon he is fighting.

She takes a chance and leans her head forward in the hopes that he will kiss her again, it works - he seems strong for a second but then relents and falls back into her, pushing her against the wall and kissing her. She wants to celebrate when she feels his hand start to slip under her shirt.

Then they hear a little giggle and both retract, breaking their kiss and jumping apart. When Holi looks in the direction of the giggle. Both Mac and Bell are standing in the bedroom doorway, Bell has a huge grin on her face while Mac looks like he has been sucking on a lemon.

"That's gross. Kissing girls is gross. Holi has germs, Austin," Mac says his voice dripping in disgust. Austin and Holi can't hold their laughs in and Holi falls against his chest as they laugh. Bell comes dancing up to them and puts her arms up for either of them to pick her up, Austin is quick to cater to her whim. Holi is starting to think Bell has Austin wrapped firmly around her chubby little finger. 

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