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Holi had been to the stadium a few times while Austin was at practice but the stands were always empty obviously and that included the parking lot. The size of the stadium always left Holi a little gobsmacked it is huge and must have taken years to build. But the insanity of the stadium that Holi had felt in the past was nothing compared to what it feels like now. Right now it feels like the stadium is so big that the rest of the world was built around it.

It's loud too, cheerful, and colorful. There is no possible way anyone could be grumpy in a place like this. Although Ren parked in the player's parking lot which is pretty well sheltered from the spectators but Holi can hear them - they are all around her, in the stadium, on high way, and in the parking lot. Their energy is electric and contagious. Holi can't help when her body starts shaking in anticipation of what she is about to experience.

She starts to walk towards the door that the players and their families would have used, it's secluded and guarded but Ren stops her, "Holi, you want to learn a little about why football is in Austin's blood? Why Football is so beloved by so many?" he asks. Holi lets out a laugh and nods, "Yeah, I heard they were all crazy motherfuckers. Show me why, Ren," Holi says linking her arm through Ren's elbow and letting him lead her towards the spectator's parking lot.

The spectator's parking lot has Holi speechless. thousands of cars are parked in there but instead of being empty they are open and people are milling around with beers while laughing and cheering next to grills that have thick white smoke wafting up into the air. The smell of food in the area is oddly comforting.

"They are tailgating. It's all part of game day. The game does not start for a few hours and these fans will be out here enjoying the day until just before the game starts," Ren says as they start walking between the cars, "so, is no one inside the stadium yet? They are just stilling outside the parking lot?" Holi asks, a little surprised at how much she is enjoying the atmosphere as she watches a bunch of college guys cheering one of their friends on as he downs a beer.

"No, the stadium is almost full by now. Some of these people will stay make their way into the stadium before the game starts and some have only come today with the intention of tailgating and watching the game out here from those big screens," Ren says pointing towards the stadium. Holi follows to where he is pointing and can see huge big screens mounted on the side. This is all insane.

They continue to weave between the cars and Holi can help the pride she feels when she sees a lot of people wearing football jerseys with the number 28 on the back or the number 28 painted on their cars. A few younger kids have the number painted on their cheeks - that's Austin's number. He is very popular, but Holi already knew that.

Then Holi hears her name being shouted and she spins around to see the waitress from the dinner running up to her with a huge smile. Nancy. Holi takes in what she is wearing as she runs towards Holi. She has on - white jeans, blue shoes with yellow laces, a blue t-shirt with Austin's face on the front, yellow and blue ribbons in her hair, and to top it all off it looks like she has been sprinkled in yellow glitter.

She is moving toward Holi rather quickly and it seems to make Ren a little nervous because he grips Holi's arm and holds on tight. When Nancy eventually gets to Holi, both Holi and Ren can't hold back their smiles as Nacy looks so excited to see her, "Holi! Oh my gosh! I can't believe you are out here and it's great to see you again. I am so excited about the game. Oh, you have to meet my family please," Nancy says all in one breath again as she did in the restaurant. Holi had thought it was because she was so excited to see Austin, but it seems that is just the way she talks.

Before Holi can even answer or greet her back, Nancy grabs her hand and starts tugging her back from where she came from, Ren grabs hold of Holi's hand and now all three of them are tramping between the cars. It's weird but no one bats an eye. Eventually, they get to a huge truck with its tailgate down and a massive BBQ set up in front of it with smoke everywhere. An older couple and a young boy are milling around the truck all dressed in yellow and blue. There are a few player's numbers painted onto the truck -including 28. There are also screens being set up and some other trucks being turned around so they can join in with the older man who Holi suspects is Nancy's father.

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