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"You are considered a hero in this film. Who is your hero in life?"

"Easy question. No brainer. My hero is my mother. Hands down that woman is the queen."

"Oh yes, mothers are the sweetest most delicate creatures out there in this big bad world."

"Sweet? Delicate? My mother is as sweet as a wasp and as delicate as a cactus. She is a legend of a woman."

"Ok, good to know. I will make a note never to get on the bad side of your mother. Next question - how do you relate to this character?"

"Not going to lie. I battled. I come from a loving and supportive family. My parents and grandparents showered me and my siblings with endless love. My character on the other hand grew up in an orphanage and was lacking any type of affection. But I did my research and gained a good understanding of how hard life can be for some people."

"Sounds like you had a great childhood. Your family is pretty famous given your father and brother's talents on the football field. Are you happy to give us a little insight into your family?"

"Oh yes. I had the best childhood. My family is unique and simply put - the best. There is my mom and dad. My older brother, Mac, and my younger sister, Doris. I have a set of grandparents from my father's side and a grandfather from my mother's side. Our family home is in Texas and I miss home every day."

"Well, you will be on your way home soon - right? My sources tell me there is a big wedding being planned."

"I leave for home today actually. But a wedding? You and I might have different sources."

"Ok, I see you are tight-lipped about family affairs. I think my time is up anyway. It was really great meeting you Bell. Good luck with your movie and the rest of your career."

"Thank you," Bell answers the interviewer and then watches as she packs up her stuff and leaves with her team. Once the door closes behind her, Bell slumps down in her chair - happy that the day is finally done.

It's been a long day. A solid day of interview after interview and all she really wants to do is go home. Curl up on her dad's lap while her mom fusses over her and Doris goes on about some new drama in her life while she and Mac roll their eyes at each other. She can't wait to be with her family.

Her phone vibrates in her pocket so she stands and fishes it out, smiling when she sees who is calling her.

"Hey, dad."

"Hello, little love."

"If you are phoning to see how far I am, I am leaving LA shortly. I am on my way to the airport."


"How is mom holding up?"

Her father lets out a long resigned sigh and Bell has to work really hard not to let her laugh tumble out. "she is a pain in my ass," he says. With that Bell can't hold in her laugh any longer and it spills out, "chill dad. You know how freaked out she is about this wedding. She just wants everything to be perfect." Her dad grunts on the other side of the line, "yeah well for a woman who has always been against marriage she sure does have a lot to say about the upcoming nuptials."

He sounds like he is about ready to lock her mother in a box somewhere and leave her be. Bell knows her mother well enough to know that she has probably enjoyed getting under her father's skin. She likes to poke the bear. Bell would feel sorry for him but the truth is that the man is so gone for her mother that he takes whatever the woman throws at him. They do really love each other. Bell hopes she finds a love like theirs one day.

"The wedding is tomorrow. Once it's done and dusted things will go back to normal," she says hoping to soothe her father. He grunts again indicating that he is not convinced. "Travel safe little love. See you soon," he says. Bell smiles again at the thought of being home soon, "I will dad, love you," she says as she cuts the call and starts walking.

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