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Chuck lunges out and grabs a fist full of Holi's hair then yanks her up and slams her face down over the counter. Holi can see him out the corner of her eye, she was expecting him to be leering over her but instead, he has his sights set firmly on Rose.

"I warned you, Rose. I told you if she came in here and you failed to tell me I would kill you."

"Chuck -" Holi says and tries to push up off the counter but Chuck lifts her slightly then slams her back down on the counter again, "stop fucking moving Holi, you are pissing me off," he spits out. Holi can hear Rose let out a sob and Holi has to think fast. She needs to find a way out of here and she can't leave Rose to Chuck. He will remain true to his word and kill her...she has seen him do it before.

"Chuck," she chokes out, "she is the only reason I am still here."


"Rose. She is the only reason I am still here. I came in and when I tried to leave she spoke to me and convinced me to stay. To come back to you."

Holi can feel Chuck ease up on the grip he has on her, "she did?" he asks. Holi nods, "yeah, she told me you were sorry and that you were missing me," Holi says. Chuck lets Holi go and she stands up and turns around to face him, "you said that Rose?" he asks. Rose nods, "yes I did Chuck. I know you love her so much. I can see how much pain you are in," Rose says. Chuck starts to nod. He believes their story.

He may be king of these dirty streets, but he is a very stupid man with an inflated ego. He leans into Holi and she uses all her willpower not to shrink away from him, "It's true Holi, I have been in pain knowing you are avoiding me. Have you come back to me?" he asks, he makes Holi's skin crawl, "yes, Chuck-" her words are cut short as Chuck raises his hand and slaps her hard across her cheek.

Then he snakes his arms around her and pulls him into his skinny skeleton-like body, "I will take you back Holi. But you have many debts to pay. First pain then love," he says. Rose stands behind Chuck and Holi can see her mouthing "run, run," to Holi so Holi gathers as much strength as she can and knees him as hard as she can in his balls.

Chuck lets go of her and drops to the floor in pain, "you fucking bitch," he breaths out. Holi leans over him, "I hate you, Chuck! I hope you die!" she says then jumps over the counter and makes for the door. Rose screams suddenly and when she turns around Chuck is jumping over the counter. Holi pushes open the shop door and starts running at full speed to Ren.

"Start the car, Ren! Start the car," she shouts as she runs. Ren looks up then his eyes widen and he starts the engine. Holi makes it to the car and slams the door behind her and locking it just as Chuck reaches the door and starts slamming on the window, "you are fucking dead Holi!" he screams, "no more chances!" Ren speeds away.

They are out of Skid row and halfway back to Austin's house before Ren speaks, "Holi, please tell me you are not mixed up with Chuck," he says, Holi can hear the worry in his voice. She shrugs, "I could tell you that...but then I would be lying," she answers him. Ren lets out a shaky breath, "Holi, Chuck is really dangerous," he says. Holi looks at him like he is insane, "you think I don't know that? I fucking know that Ren!" she shouts. Ren holds up his hands and Holi takes the hint that the conversation is over.

Back at the house Holi goes into the kitchen and pulls two beers out of the fridge handing one to Ren she opens the other and takes a long sip. Her nerves are shot. She and Ren sit in the kitchen finishing their beers in silence then she excuses herself saying to is going to bed. Ren pulls her in for a hug, he gives pappa bear hugs and Holi melts into his embrace a bit, "I am just glad you are ok." he says. Holi nods and pulls back, "I am sorry, Ren," she says. Ren shrugs and gives her a small smile. She leaves Ren in the kitchen, no doubt to wait for Austin and then tittle tale on her to him.  

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