she coaxes you into crying (requested)

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You felt the weight slightly lift from your shoulders as Rosé wrapped her arms around you to hug you from behind.

She put her forehead against your shoulder, her lips brushing softly against your skin as you dropped the towel that you once used to dry your hair onto the floor.

You and Rosie both hoped that a shower would help you feel better. It did a little. You no longer felt overwhelmed.

But you still felt a little anxious and it was clear to Rosé that you still didn't feel like yourself.

"I'm not even going to ask if you're feeling okay because I know that you aren't." She whispered as she slipped her hand beneath your sweater, her fingers brushing along your spine. "But I'm worried about you."

"Don't be." You said before turning around, softly kissing her cheek.

You walked out of the bathroom, turning off the light behind you as Rosie followed you. You threw your dirty towel into the laundry basket before sitting at the edge of the bed.

The mattress dipped a little as Rosie sat down beside you. She scooted as close to you as she could get and placed her hand on your thigh.

"You know I worry about you, y/n. You're my girlfriend. Worrying about you is inevitable." She reminded you and you just sighed heavily. "You can talk to me. Tell me whatever is bothering you."

"I'm fine." You said before taking in a shaky breath. "I'm just under a lot of stress and pressure right now and I'm not feeling that great."

Her heart sank slightly.

"I'll be okay." You said, forcing a smile as you turned to look at her.

"You can tell me about those stresses and pressures." She said. "You always listen to me when I need to open about that stuff."

"I'm okay."

She shook her head and pulled you closer, causing your head to fall against her shoulder.

She started to rub your back and shoulders, her nails gently brushing against your skin.

"You can try and pretend to everyone else that you're fine when you're not but that doesn't work on me. I see through it. I know you better than you know yourself."

Her touch and words were making you tear up slightly, soothing you after feeling so overwhelmed for so long.

"If you're not okay, you just come to me and tell me why and I'll listen; just as you always let me do."

A lump appeared in your throat as tears filled your eyes.

"It's okay if you're so stressed and worn out that you need to cry. You can let it all out. I'll listen." She promised as she noticed you tearing up.

You tried not to let the tears fall, but it was impossible as she coaxed you into it.

"It's okay. You're okay. I'm here."

You started to cry, the first couple of tears falling down your cheeks.

"There we go. It's okay, baby." She whispered as she held you tighter. "I've got you. You can cry, you can let it all go. I won't let you go."

You turned your head, your face buried in her shirt now. Your tears soaked the soft black fabric as she put her head on yours and soothed you as you sobbed.

"Talk to me, darling. Tell me everything you need to let out. Tell me what's bothering you. There's no judgment here, I'll listen to your every word." She promised as she kissed your head.

"I'm tired." You mumbled. "And I'm so stressed out. There's so much going on and I feel like I'm under so much pressure. I'm trying to keep myself together but it's so hard sometimes."

"I know." She said, her fingertips brushing across your back.

"And I just don't know how to keep it all together when I'm so overwhelmed."

"You don't have to keep it together all the time. You can't. That's okay, though."

You put your head on her chest, listening to her heartbeat.

"You know how to handle things when life is hard and you need someone to help and someone to turn you?"

"I come to you."

"Exactly." She smiled as you looked up at her. "I know how you feel and I'll always listen to you. You know after all this time we've spent together, I'm not here to judge you. I'm just here to help you feel better."

"Thank you." You sniffled.

"Do you feel any better? Or have you been bottling everything up and still have some tears that need to fall?"

When she saw the tear fall from your eye, she pulled you closer, already knowing the answer.

"You can keep crying. It's okay. I've got you, sweet girl. I'm not letting you go. Everything will be just fine, just let everything go."

You continued to cry with your head on her chest and your hands clutching her shirt while she peppered kisses to the crown of your head and rubbed your back, coaxing you and comforting you through every tear that you let out; feeling safe and loved enough to do so in her warm embrace.

Rosé Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now