she cheats with Jennie - part three (requested)

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Hurrying into the cafe where your best friend said you'd be, Rosie took a second to catch her breath before she began looking everywhere for you.

It took her a second to spot you due to the fact that the cafe was pretty crowded.

But once she did, a rush of relief flooded over her.

For the first time in days, she saw your face, and her heart skipped a beat when she saw how pretty you looked.

She knew she had a lot of apologizing to do and she didn't want to waste any time.

So she quickly made her way over to your table, where you were sitting alone, and did her best to make things right.

"Y/N! There you are."

"Rosie?" You asked with a frown. "What are you doing here?"

"I talked to your best friend. She said that you'd be here."

"Why do you care about where I'm at? I thought I made myself clear when I said to never contact me again. I don't want anything to do with you. Not after what you did to me and the things you said."

You started to get up but Rosé gently grabbed your hand and asked you not to.

"Please don't. Please, Y/N, I'm begging you. Let me apologize."

"Apologize?" You scoffed. "You think saying sorry makes cheating right? Rosie, even if you apologize, nothing can happen from there. All of my trust for you disappeared when I saw you in bed with Jennie!"

"I know, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done it."

"Yeah, exactly! But you did and you can't take that back. You can't act like it never happened because it did. You can't make that up to me!"

She lowered her head in sadness.

"Jennie cheated on me."

Well, you could confidently say that you didn't see that coming.

"Wow, that's crazy." You said. "But now you know how I feel, don't you? That's why you came to apologize to me."

"Not exactly-"

"Don't give me that, Rosie. If you hadnt seen her in bed with someone else, you would've carried on in your relationship with her and we both know it! Screw your sorrows and your feelings, it means nothing to me! And neither do you!"

Ouch, that stung.

Rosie couldn't deny that.

She was about to open her mouth and say something else when, suddenly, a familiar voice came from nearby.

"Babe?" The voice said as they ran over to you.

"Jihyo?" Rosé said with big eyes. "What are you doing here?"

At first, she was happy to see her friend.

But then... it slowly started to click.

Before Jihyo even said the words.

"I'm here with my girl, Y/N."

"Y-Your girl?" Rosé stammered as she looked between you and Jihyo in shock. "Wow, you moved on fast."

"Says the girl who slept with someone else before even breaking up with me."

Rosé's heart was breaking upon realizing that you were already with someone else.

There was no possibility of her making things right.

No amount of apologies could make this better.

Nothing could.

You were already moved on and she knew deep down, though she didn't want to admit it, it was for the best.

"Jihyo, come on. Let's just go somewhere else."

"Are you sure?" She asked as you started to drag her out of the cafe, away from Rosé.

"Bye, Y/N," Rosie mumbled to herself in sadness. "Forever."

Rosé Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now