reunited - part two (requested)

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Rosé considered going back to her seat, wondering if she should just accept that fate didn't want you to be together.

But she decided to go and look around for you instead.

Despite the ache in her heart and the worries that, maybe, she'd already lost you again, she felt this need to look around for you.

She wasn't going home leaving things like this.

She went backstage and went to your dressing room.

The door was closed so she took a deep breath and knocked.

To her surprise, a few seconds later, you opened the door and she came face to face with you again.

"Hey," she softly spoke.

"Hi. What are you doing here? You don't want to miss the rest of the show." You said but she just shook her head.

"Actually, I do. I'm a little tired of going to award shows right now and there's something else I want to do instead."

"Which is?"

"Talk to you. Can I come in?"

You knew it was risky, as saying goodbye again would only break your heart.

But you couldn't say no.

"Yeah." You said and she entered your dressing room, walking to the sofa to sit down and wait for you to join her.

Closing the door, you took a seat beside her.

"Congratulations on your solo debut. It's incredible. Every award you've gotten has been very well deserved."

"Thank you." She smiled. "You've listened to them?"

"Of course I have. We might be broken up but I'm still a loyal fan of yours."

Her heart fluttered and she resisted the intense urge to place her hand on yours.

"How have you been lately?" You asked.

"Good. Busy." She said. "Been doing a lot of thinking."

"Oh. What about?"

"You." She confessed. "Us. How much I miss you and wish that we were still together."


"Please don't call me that." She whispered as she closed her eyes. "I don't like you calling me that."

"Okay. Rosie."

She opened her eyes, a small smile appearing on her face for a second."

"Rosie, you know how hard it was."

"Yes, but we could've made it work!" She said. "We still could."

You didn't know what to say, so you stayed quiet.

"I think we were both afraid. Afraid of the world finding out about us. Afraid of losing each other. We gave up and we were both wrong for doing that."

"You think we could make it work? How?"

"We stand together. We love each other." She said, slowly reaching for your hand. "Please tell me you still love me as much as I love you."

"You're silly for thinking I ever stopped." You said as she chuckled happily.

"I never stopped loving you either. I miss you."

"I miss you too." You said as she took your hand. "But the thought of getting back together scares me. I couldn't handle losing you again."

"Darling, I won't ever let you go." She assured. "I love you. I want to be with you. I can't imagine spending my life without you as the love of my life and my best friend."

"I feel the same." You said with a growing smile.

She leaned in, slowly putting her lips on yours to give you the kiss you've both been wanting to share for so long.

"I love you." You said as she pulled away.

"I love you too." She smiled before pulling you in for a hug. "And now that you're mine again, I promise nothing is ever going to break us apart. You'll never lose me again. I promise I won't let you go."

"I promise you the same." You said, holding her a little tighter, feeling happier than you've been in so long.

Rosé Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now