in the mood (requested)

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"Rosie, baby," You said as you laid down in bed beside your girl.

She plugged her phone into the charger before putting it on the nightstand and shifting her full attention to you.

There was something about the way that you said her name that made her heart jump with excitement.

And when she saw you biting your lip and staring at her with a gleam in your eye, she knew you were up to something.

"Yes, my love?"

"I'm in the mood."

A smirk tugged at her lips and her eyes lit up.

"Oh, yeah?"

You nodded.

"Well, that's wonderful to hear because," She paused, scooting closer to you before whispering into your ear, "so am I, darling."

She brushed her lips against your neck and your heart began to skip beat after beat.

Her lips are always so soft and kissable and the way they feel against your skin is inexpressible.

Every kiss on your neck brings you such pleasure and bliss and since she knows the spots that make you weak, she uses that to her advantage often.

But you never complain.

However, as she laced her fingers through your hair and started to brush her tongue against your skin, as well bite at it to give you some hickeys as she kissed your neck, you became confused.

Usually, you'd melt and pull her closer.

But right now, you're a little confused as to why this is all going on.

"Uh, Rosie?"

"Yes, sweet girl?" She whispered against your skin as she kissed your chest.

"Not that I don't love when you kiss me like this... why are you doing it right now?"

She pulled away from your skin and gazed at you with her eyebrows furrowed and an adorable but confused expression on her face.

"What? You said you were in the mood."

"You thought I was in the mood to make out?"

"Yes...?" She mumbled.

"Oh, baby, I'm sorry. When I said I was in the mood, I meant for ice cream!"

She threw her head back with a groan while you burst into giggles.

"You could've phrased it better!" She said. "You made it sound like you were in the mood to, well, you know..."

"Babe, usually I'd love that, but not now. I'm in the mood for ice creams and only ice cream."

She pouted before she sat up, folding her arms over her chest.

"I'm sorry," You chuckled before kissing her cheek. "Please don't be mad."

"I'm not. I was just... in the mood and not for ice cream."

You stroked her cheek softly before giving her a kiss there.

"If you get me ice cream, we can make out after."

"Deal!" She said before hurriedly getting up.

"That was easy," you giggled.

"Yeah, well, you want ice cream and I want to make out, so I'm happy because we both win!" She grinned before kissing your lips. "Now move your cute butt and let's go!"

You excitedly got up and got ready to go, looking forward to the night ahead with your girl.

Rosé Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now