let me help (requested)

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"If you hang on one second, baby, I'll come back and help you with your shoes. Just let me go get Hank's leash." Rosé said and kissed your head softly before walking out of the room.

You stared at your shoes that were on the living room floor in front of you then down at your broken hand.

You hated the thought of Rosie having to help you with yet another thing today.

Just yesterday, you broke your hand, and everything has been a challenge since.

You can't do anything on your own.

You can't get dressed, shower, make your own food, or do much of anything on your own.

You haven't even attempted to tie your shoes since you haven't gone anywhere since getting back from the hospital yesterday.

You just know though that it's going to be next to impossible to do.

But since your girl has been doing everything for you, you wanted to try and do something on your own.

So you grabbed your shoes with your hand that wasn't broken and managed to slip it on your foot.

Staring at the laces, you frowned and tried to figure out how you'd tie them on your own.

"It can't be that hard." You said to yourself before grabbing the lace in your hand.

However, it proved to be much more difficult than you expected.

"Come on." You mumbled before huffing in frustration over how hard it was.

"Baby girl, what are you doing?" Rosie asked as she and Hank entered the room. "I told you I'd help you with that."

"I wanted to try it on my own though." You said.

She let out a sigh as she walked to you.

"Baby, your hand is broken. I don't think you can tie your shoes right now." She spoke as she sat down beside you. "Come on, give me your foot. Let me help you."

"You do everything for me, babe. Over the last day, since I broke my hand, you've helped me with every single thing. Don't you get tired of it? Or of me?"

"Nope." She said as she tied your shoe. "I like caring for you. It makes me feel good."

You smiled a little as she looked up at you, your other shoe in her hand.

"Besides, I could never get tired of you. I love you too much."

"Really?" You asked.

"Yes, really," She grinned and booped your nose. "Even if I'm stuck helping you and waiting on you hand and foot,"

She paused before giggling over her own joke making you shake your head with a smile.

"I don't ever get tired of you or it. Now, give me your other foot so I can put your other shoe on."

You did as she said and watched her slip the other shoe on before tying the laces.

"There we go, darling. All good."

"Thank you." You said before Pickering your lips up for a kiss.

She happily gave it to you, giving you more than just one sweet kiss to make you feel her love for you.

"Love you, my girl."

"Love you too, baby." You smiled back at her.

She grabbed your hand that wasn't broken, gently gripping it in hers, before grabbing Hank and tugging at his leash to make sure it was on right.

"Come on, Hank! Let's go for a walk!" Rosie said as she wrapped his leash around her hand, walking out the door with you two for a walk on this beautiful day.

Rosé Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now