my cute little chipmunk (requested)

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"Feel better, baby?" You asked Rosie as she came back downstairs.

She ran her fingers through her short damp hair, relief flooding over her since she just got a relaxing shower after a long and stressful day in practice.

"Much better." She said as she walked to you, kissing your cheek.

"I'm happy to hear that." You said, watching as a pretty smile tugged at her lips in response. "I'm not sure if there's something special that you wanted to do tonight but you could watch this movie with me if you want to."

"That does sound nice." She said.

"I think you're in it."

"What?" She asked, adorably furrowing her eyebrows. "I don't remember starring in a movie."

"Really? Are you sure? Because I see you right there."

She sat down beside you and looked at the tv as you hit play and turned the volume up.

"Seriously?" She asked as she playfully rolled her eyes at you.

On the tv, Alvin and the chipmunks was playing, Theodore being the one on the screen currently.

"A chipmunk? That's not me!" She giggled before pouting as you burst into laughter.

"Are you sure? Because you have the same precious chipmunk cheeks!" You said before playfully pinching her cheeks. "It's cute! You're cute!"

She gently pushed your hands away as she tried to hold back a smile.

But seeing you laugh as you continued to pinch her cheeks.

"My cute little chipmunk!" You grinned before you began to pepper kisses across her face, paying extra attention to her cheeks. "You're so adorable, my baby!"

"Stop it," She giggled.

"Oh, alright." You said, giving in. "Come on. Curl up to me so we can watch this together."

"Okay." She said before curling up close to you, cheek falling onto your shoulder as you kissed her head lovingly.

"I love you, my adorable chipmunk."

She would've playfully rolled her eyes at you again if her heart wasn't fluttering so much from your lips on her forehead, your arms around her, and the sweet nickname that she loved.

"I love you more." She said as she curled up even closer to you, wanting to spend the rest of the evening just like this.

Rosé Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now