TikTok leggings (requested)

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Rosé couldn't help but smirk as she took a look in the mirror, finding that the leggings she saw and bought from TikTok made her feel sexy.

She immediately knew what she needed to do next.

Making her way out of the bedroom and downstairs to the living room, she saw you looking at the tv as you flipped through the channels.

"Hey, baby. So, what was in the package?" You asked curiously though you continued to stare ahead at the tv.

"Why don't you take a look for yourself?" She asked as she stepped in front of the tv.

She turned around so her back was facing you and your eyes went wide when you saw her butt.

The leggings complimented her butt terrifically and the sight nearly made your mouth water.

"Holy moly, baby. Look at your butt!" You said as you got up and walked to her, giving her butt a light smack.

She threw her head back with a laugh as you hugged her from behind, only for your hands to fall against her butt again.

"Do you like them? I found them on TikTok. They look good, don't they?"

"They do, baby. You look good." You said as you kissed her neck. "God, you're so sexy."

She giggled as you pinched one of her cheeks before spinning around to face you.

"You better wear these more often. But not out in public. Never in public, baby, this is a sight for my eyes only."

"Yeah? You like them a lot, don't you?"

"I do." You confirmed as you put your hands back on her butt and your lips back on her neck. "Come on."

"Where are we going?"

"Upstairs. You look so good in those pants, baby. Now I'm craving you."

She smirked and walked up the stairs with you, craving you too.

Rosé Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now