she sees your scars (requested)

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I'm not sure if this needs a trigger warning or not but I'm putting it here just in case. This chapter centers around possibly triggering content. There's no description of it, just a mention of it. But if that makes you uncomfortable, please do not read this. Another update will be coming either tomorrow or the next day. I'd rather you wait to read that if you feel more comfortable doing so. Also, remember that if any of you ever need someone to confide in or a friend to talk to, my messages are always open. Thank you for reading 🤍


You were lost in the sweet kisses Rosie was leaving on your neck.

Staying the night at her place tonight, you laid in her bed together with a movie turned on, deciding to spend the time until you fell asleep that way.

But you both quickly lost interest in the film and decided to make out instead.

That was until she pulled away from your lips and started to kiss your neck, which leads you to where you're currently at.

You wrapped your arms around her neck to keep her close, wishing that you could spend forever in these moments with her as you've never felt more blissful than you do right now.

On occasion, you'll feel her give you a couple of love bites, but you don't mind at all.

You're starting to crave them, enjoying the idea of people seeing that she marked you as hers and only hers.

She slipped her hand beneath your shirt and started to caress your skin ever so softly.

You've never allowed her to do this before, always shying away from her touch when she'd try.

So it made a smile tug at her lips as she continued to kiss your neck, even trailing her lips to your chest a little.

She pulled away though and your eyes opened as soon as she did.

You were about to ask her why when she began to lift your shirt, her brown eyes locked with yours as she wordlessly asked if that would be okay.

But you became uncomfortable at the thought.

You gently took her hand into yours and pulled it away from your skin, staring at her with worried eyes.

"Is everything okay?" She asked, her voice soft, just like her eyes as she stared into yours adoringly.

"Yeah." You said but judging by the look on her face, you knew she knew you were lying. "Okay... no. Everything's not okay."

She sat down on the bed beside you and took your hand into hers, giving it a squeeze.

"Did I make you uncomfortable somehow?"

The words seemed to fall from her sweet lips in a worried tone, as if she feared she'd somehow crossed a line with how carried away she'd gotten.

"No." You sighed. "No, Rosie, it's not you. It's just that there's something I haven't told you about and if you pulled up my shirt enough or pulled it off completely, you'd see them."

"See what, darling?"

"My scars." You confessed, voice quiet as you played with her fingers to calm yourself.

You looked at her and saw a sad look on her face.

"You used to... hurt yourself?"

You nodded and she let out a sad sigh before squeezing your hand again as you turned away.

"Please look at me again, baby."

You slowly turned your head once more, your eyes locking with her soft brown ones.

"Are you okay now?"

"Yeah. It was a while ago. Times were tough and I was in a dark place. I didn't know how else to cope with the things I was going through and the emotions I felt."

She nodded her head understandingly, listening to your every word.

"But I'm okay now. I just haven't let anyone see my scars. I'm not exactly proud of them."

"That's why you tend to shy away from me when I try to caress your skin there, huh?"

"Yeah." You spoke softly.

"I'm sorry for everything you went through. I'm sorry you were hurting so much. Just know that I'm here for you now. Okay? You don't ever have to go through any of that again. If you feel that way, you can always come to me. I'm not here to judge you."

She brought your hand to your lips, giving it a kiss as you cracked a smile at her.

"I love you, Rosie."

"I love you too, sweet girl." She whispered before putting her lips back on yours.

Again, you got lost in her kisses and the way that she made you feel.

Before you knew it, she was laying you on your back and hovering over you as her lips moved lovingly against yours.

You pushed your shirt up a little, just enough to expose your ribs, and took her hand into yours to ay against your skin so she could innocently caress it with her fingertips like she's wanted to do.

She never had any other intentions, only wanting to feel your soft skin against her fingers.

She pulled away from your lips to stare at your stomach, gaze falling onto the scars on your skin.

"This is nothing to be ashamed of." She whispered softly. "They're beautiful, my love. You're beautiful."

Her eyes were shiny, letting you know that she meant every word she said.

And it made you tear up because, for the first time, you didn't feel ashamed. You felt okay about letting her see them, finding comfort in her touch while your heart leaped in your chest over her sweet words.

"You make me feel so loved." You whispered as you brushed your fingers through her long blonde hair.

"You are loved." She whispered as she put her forehead against yours. "And you always will be, no matter what."

Rosé Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now