your child walks in on you making out (requested)

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"Darling, the kids are asleep." Rosie smiled as she came up behind you.

You had just gotten out of the shower and were in the middle of getting dressed, the only thing you had on currently being one of Rosé's shirts.

"I figured we could have some quality time together now." She said as she began to kiss your neck.

Your breath hitched before a smile pulled at your lips.

"What do you have in mind?" You asked, pretending as if you didn't already know.

"Oh, you know exactly what I have in mind." She said with a smirk as your eyes locked in the mirror.

Wanting the same thing, you turned around and pulled her in for a passionate kiss.

She melted as she kissed you deeply, arms wrapping around you to hold you close as you began to make out.

"Bed, now." You mumbled against her lips and Rosie just smiled into the kiss before leading you out of the bathroom and into the bedroom.

You pushed her onto the bed, taking her by surprise.

You hovered over her and pulled her in for another steamy kiss and as her lips moved against yours, so did her fingertips.

"You're so sexy." She whispered against your lips as she trailed her fingers up and down your body.

You smiled against her lips as your heart started to beat a little faster.

Even after all these years with her, after creating a beautiful family together and going through each up and down by each other's sides, she still knows how to make you swoon.

You're still falling even deeper in love with her every day, just as she does with you.

Lost in your thoughts and your love for her, she turned you over and made you fall onto your back on the mattress.

"Something on your mind?"

"I just love you." You said as you took her hands into yours, intertwining your fingers together.

"I love you more, baby." She smiled and kissed you again, this time a little softer and sweeter.

You held her hands for a few more minutes until the itch to see her nude became too strong and you pulled away to pull off her shirt.

She smiled brightly before pulling away from your lips to kiss your neck.

"My beautiful girl." She said.

"You're beautiful, baby." You said, making her heart flutter.

You closed your eyes and tilted your head back as she began to leave marks on your skin.

She reached for her shirt that you had on and pulled it off, leaving you exposed, but happy to be so.

You arched your back as her fingers brushed against your hips and her lips brushed against that sweet spot on your neck.

And just as you went to take off her shorts, the door opened and a voice was heard.


You gasped and Rosie rolled over, laying down beside you as you both covered your chests.

"Yes, sweetie?"

"I had a bad dream." Your oldest daughter of three, who was only five, said as she rubbed her tired eyes.

"Okay. Go back to bed, I'll be there in a minute." You said and watched her nod before hurrying back to bed.

"Damn." Rosie cursed. "I was really enjoying myself."

"Me too. That's why I'm going to get her back to sleep before coming back to continue where we left off." You winked.

"We'll lock the door this time." She said.

"Good idea." You said before kissing her lips as you pulled her shirt back on. "Love you."

"Love you too. Hurry up!"

"I'll try." You chuckled as Rosie watched you leave the room, her teeth sank into her lip as she smiled brightly and thought about how much she loved you and your lives together.

Rosé Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now