Chapter 4: How's Your Russian?

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Cara reached her sleeping quarters still in a rage over Clint's conversation with Fury. How could he do this to her? Over protective was one thing but this was her job, it was her life and he was screwing it up, treating her like she was a kid still. Out of anger she kicked the empty trash can across the room. It hit the metal wall with a loud clang before it clattered to the floor eventually rolling around the room slowly. She stared at it, considering kicking it again.

"Well that wasn't dramatic at all."

Cara turned to see Sam Wilson leaning against her door frame smiling at her, eyebrows raised in amusement. She couldn't even return the smile right now she was so heated.

"Oh that bad huh? What did he do this time to piss you off?"

"He's holding me back, telling Fury I'm not ready. But I know I am!"

Sam slowly unfolded his arms and walked into the room over to Cara, punching her playfully in the arm.

"Come on, you know you're ready, just keep going out there and proving it to him! And Fury and whoever else wants to doubt you."

Cara nodded looking down at the floor, hands on her hips. He always knew the right thing to say. She looked back up at him but before she could respond she noticed Agent Coulson standing in the doorway. Confused she looked around Sam at him. Sam also turned around, now seeing what, or rather who had distracted her.

"Sorry I didn't want to interrupt, but we have another mission for you."

Cara's hands fell at her side in an anxious surprise. She quickly composed herself nodding at him.

"Meet in the hangar in 10 minutes, you take off in fifteen."

"Thanks Agent Coulson."

He went to leave and Cara went to get ready but Sam suddenly spoke, stopping both of them in their tracks.

"Hold up a minute. That's it? Like he just shows up and says 'come on get ready to leave again' even though you JUST got back and you aren't even going to ask for what or why?"

Before Cara could ask him anything Coulson interjected.

"You were requested for the mission. I can't give any details about the mission in front of Mr. Wilson. It's classified."

Cara instantly became annoyed, sure in her mind of exactly who had requested her. Her brows furrowed at the thought of being trapped on a mission with Clint right now. Of course he would find a way to force them to talk when she just needed space. She briefly considered refusing to go no matter what the consequence would be.

"Who even requested her? She just got back today, literally an hour ago." Sam asked arms opened in exclamation before finding a place on his hips.

"Captain Rogers requested her. Better suit up he'll be ready to go when you get there."

Coulson left leaving Cara in a mild shock. Sam turned to her surprised as well. He nodded at her smirking and laughing slightly as she tried to compose herself.

"He's right you better get a move on, he doesn't like to be kept waiting."

Sam then left the room with a wave and another laugh to himself. The moment he left Cara closed the door to her room and frantically began getting ready. She restocked her quiver, looked through her arsenal of trick arrow tips, grabbing trusty go to ones  and some new ones she had been hoping to use for ages. She grabbed ammo for her pistol, checked her knives, and finally opened the closet to reveal her black and plum purple suit. This was the first time she would get to wear it, before now she had only been approved to wear the standard black jackets and black utility pants other trainees wore in the field. But not this time.

After quickly changing she grabbed her quiver, tossing it on her back as she took off out of her room not wanting to be late. The corridor cleared as she ran down it yelling "excuse me" "coming through" "official SHIELD business" as she passed people. Coming to the hangar she could hear raised voices. As she entered the bustling space she saw Steve and Clint arguing near the jet that was waiting. When she got closer she could see how tense both of them were, their eyes full of anger. Catching only the tail end of the conversation, it was enough that Cara could fill in the blanks on what it had been about. They had been fighting about her.

"Screw you Rogers! You don't even know her! What makes you think you have any right?!"

"I need an agent who has her skill set, I requested her and Fury approved! What makes you think you have any right to question that?"

"Her skill set- oh that's rich! You know who has that same skill set?? Me! Natasha! Literally any other field specialist on this tub right now! You didn't ask for any of them, did you!"

"Son, just don't."

They had resorted to silently staring daggers at each other as she approached them. Neither one of them broke eye contact with each other. Cara inflated her cheeks before letting the breath out in a puff looking from one to the other. She muttered yikes under her breath just barely loud enough to hear. Without another word Steve turned and walked toward the jet, boarding it. Cara turned, following him awkwardly trying to keep up with his long strides leaving Clint standing there alone. As she jogged up the ramp she heard Clint shout to her.


She stopped, leaning below the jet's frame to see him.

"Be careful."

She nodded, waving awkwardly before she took a seat across the jet from Steve. He was already strapped in ready to go as she awkwardly fumbled with her buckle. Silently cursing her nervousness as she fumbled, the harness eventually clicked loudly, and she closed her eyes, sighing. She missed the small smile Steve was giving her. When she did finally look at him his face was all business.

"So how's your Russian?"He said seriously.

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