Chapter 22: Ready or Not

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A few days later after posing as tourists during the day and going over their plan of attack at night, the day had finally come. It was almost bittersweet. They were about to do what they were both best at, taking down bad guys, but that also meant they'd be leaving. Cara sat swiping through all the photos they had taken over the past few days, reminiscent on all this freedom she and Steve had together. Steve was finishing getting dressed, watching how sad she looked as she stared at her phone. When he had finished, he knelt down in front of her taking her hand.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm sad we have to leave too. But we won't have to sneak around forever. Someday we can do all of this whenever we want." Steve said reassuringly.

"I know. It's just going to be so frustrating to go back to sneaking around." Cara said.

Steve gave her a smile as he stood up, pulling her off the couch. When she went to put her earpiece in he stopped her, having her put it in her pocket instead.

"I have one more surprise before we have Agent Coulson in our ears all night." Steve said holding her coat up for her.

Both of them had their uniforms on under their regular clothes, both wearing seasonal jackets to hide Steve's shield and her weapons. When they got down to the lobby, a car was waiting for them. Steve opened the door for her and she slid in. He slid in behind her and in French Steve asked the driver to take them to an address.

"I didn't know you knew French." Cara said surprised.

"Like I said, full of surprises. I picked up a little when I was here before." Steve replied smiling.

Smiling at him before looking out the window, she watched the sun setting on the city. The street lights were already on, bringing the beautiful city to life, and not helping her to say goodbye to it. Steve reached over and grabbed her hand, interlacing their fingers so naturally like it was second nature. Cara looked over at him smiling still. Steve caught the driver smiling at them in the rear view mirror and wondered if he saw couples like this all the time.

At the thought of them as a couple, Steve blushed slightly. They hadn't actually talked about being a couple or anything about what they were since that day in the park so many weeks ago. But since then his feelings for her had only grown. So had his desire to be around her as often as possible, as well as this overwhelming urge to make her happy, see her smile. The words had been burning his lips but he hadn't been able to say them just yet.

When the cab stopped, Steve and Cara thanked the driver, tipping him, and then slid out onto the street. Steve took Cara's hand as they strolled over the bridge, admiring the view over the water. About halfway down Steve stopped, causing Cara to turn around and look behind her curiously.

"This is the Pont des Arts. I wanted to bring you here before we left so we could commemorate our trip and leave a little bit of us here as well." Steve said.

Still curious, Cara watched as Steve pulled out a padlock, offering it to here. Giggling lightly, she took it, turning it over in her hand. It was silver and gold and engraved on one side it said 'Cara & Steve' in a fancy French script. Cara smiled, actually feeling tears stinging her eyes as she looked up at him again. Why was this man so incredible?

Steve took the keys, opening the lock and Cara picked out a spot. Together they looped the open lock around a wrought iron bar, and closed it tight hearing it click. Steve then took the keys tossing them as far as he could into the Seines River. Cara held the lock in her hand admiring it for a moment, she noticed Steve taking a picture of her holding it and she couldn't help but laugh before taking a picture of their lock herself. When Cara looked up again she noticed a stranger walking by with headphones in.

She walked up smiling and motioned for them to take the earbuds out. In French she politely asked them to take a picture of the two of them by the bridge's railing. They happily agreed and Cara returned to Steve. He pulled her in close to him, holding her tightly with one arm as she tightly wrapped both of her arms around him. When the stranger returned the phone Cara smiled at the picture as Steve looked over her shoulder. She thanked the stranger again before they started walking toward the Eiffel Tower for their mission.

"I didn't know you spoke French." Steve said nudging her playfully.

"I guess we're both full of surprises." Cara smirked as she pulled her earpiece from her pocket.

Reluctantly, Steve did the same, putting his earpiece in and checking in with Agent Coulson. Cara did the same and Coulson gave them the all clear that the comms were working with no interference. As they talked they listened to the usual mission instructions, get in and get out with no casualties, don't destroy the monument, and don't let him escape. She was back to all business and a slight sadness came across Steve's face. With a sigh he put his game face on as well, focusing on what was ahead.

As they walked toward the tower, Cara finally let go of Steve's hand. Instead she put her hand in the crook of his arm so she wasn't so restricted in her movements. As they bought their tickets to go up the tower, Coulson came back over their earpieces.

"We have positive confirmation that Batroc is on the 1st level. He isn't alone. I'm sending agents to your hotel for your things. Once your mission is complete, call for extraction, we'll have a jet ready to bring you in."

Cara looked at Steve as she responded so as not to raise suspicion around them.

"Ready or not, here we come."

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