Chapter 13: Meet Me in the Lobby

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The next morning Cara was woken suddenly by the awful sound of an old style alarm clock. Instinctively, she shot up in bed, rolled over and slammed her hand down on it, shutting it off. With a groan she rolled back over burying her face in the pillows. Her whole body was either hurt or sore. A pounding headache was slowly growing as she recalled the events from the previous night, the reason she was so sore.

Images of she and Steve collapsing onto his bed became fresh again in her mind. When she thought about the way his hands felt on her body, she got goosebumps. The thought of how he let out a groan of pleasure when he first slid his full length inside her, made her nipples hard again. Then there was the earth shattering moment when they had both reached their climax together. It rang through her sore body all over again, making her slightly wet. Biting her lip she rolled over again opening her eyes, looking up at the ceiling.

It was then she realized, or rather remembered, she wasn't in her room. In a bit of a panic she sat up covering herself, as if Steve hadn't seen all of her just hours before. Scanning the dimly lit room she realized she was alone. The bed beside her was empty, left askew from where Steve had been laying. She noticed the room had been picked up as well. The dress and boots she had worn were neatly set on the arm chair beside the bed with a piece of paper folded on top of them, her name written on the front.

Sliding out of the bed, she wrapped the bed sheet around herself, walking over to the chair to grab the note. Even though she was pretty sure she was alone, she still felt silly walking around Steve's room naked. Cara picked the note up delicately, turned on the bedside lamp and sat on the edge of the bed to read it.

'Sorry I was gone when you woke up. Thought I would let you skip our run this morning and get a little extra sleep. Still trying to get the hang of technology, but I do have a phone. Let's have breakfast.'

Cara smiled as she saw Steve's number scribbled at the bottom of the note. He had even written his name above it, as if she wouldn't know who the note was from. Looking over at the clock she groaned again realizing it was barely after 6. Deciding not to go back to sleep in Steve's bed, she stood up, putting her clothes from last night back on. Even though her room was only a couple doors down, she didn't want to risk running down the hall in Steve's bedsheet.

As she left Steve's room she carefully peeked her head out into the hall, looking one way and then the other, as well as listened for movement. Satisfied with the lack of activity, Cara carefully slipped out into the hall, quietly closing Steve's door behind her. As she took her first steps towards her room however, the stiletto heel boots clacked loudly on the marble floors. Panicking she stopped suddenly, carefully removing her boots, cursing softly out loud. When she stood back up, boots and Steve's note in hand she tiptoed the rest of the way to her own door.

"Late night?"

Cara dropped everything in her hands on the floor, startled. She spun around back to her door, hands out bracing herself as if she could disappear the closer she got to the wall. Her eyes landed on Bucky, arms crossed, leaning in his open doorway. She swallowed hard, trying to avoid eye contact, but also trying to play it cool.

"Ha, uh yeah, I had too much to drink, and just ended up crashing in Nat's room."

Bucky pulled both of his lips in, nodding at her eyebrow's raised in disbelief, but he was going to have fun with this while he could.

"Oh yeah? I could have sworn she was serving everyone drinks until, man I don't know how late. There was only a few of us left standing at that point... maybe just Thor, Tony, Natasha, Bruce, Clint, Sam and I."

"Yeah I don't remember her coming in but... wow, Clint made it past his table performance, good for him."

"He did, he did... you know who we couldn't find after you disappeared though, was Steve. Just couldn't figure out where he had gone to."

Cara's knees went weak and she got hot. She knew exactly where he had been and what he had been doing. She wasn't the type of person to kiss and tell however, and she wasn't going to start now. She pulled her own lips in nodding, a false look of thought on her face.

"Hmmm, that is strange. The last time I saw him he was helping those old guys out with Thor. Can't say I saw him after that at all."

Bucky raised his eyebrows at her, a slight smile forming on his lips now. Cara cleared her throat lightly, opening her door slowly.

"Well, I didn't sleep well so-"

"Oh you didn't?" Bucky said falsely surprised.

"... so I'm going to shower and maybe take a nap." Cara continued stepping into her room.

The moment she did however, she realized the boots and Steve's note were still on the floor in the hall. As if she couldn't be anymore awkward, she slid down the wall in her room next to the door, reaching out into the hall behind her searching for the boots. Not wanting to face Bucky anymore she found one boot and then the other. She had just started to stand back up when she heard Bucky's voice again.

"Don't forget your note."

She closed her eyes, wishing she had just stayed in Steve's bed.

"Yep, thanks Bucky." She called out sarcastically.

After a quick glance out into the hall she reached again grabbing the note before shutting her door, locking it. She sat on the floor, her pounding head leaning against the wall, eyes closed, for just a moment longer. Reluctantly, she got herself up off the floor and tossed the note next to her phone on the desk before heading into her bathroom to shower.

After what seemed like an eternity under the soothing hot water, she got out to start the day. After drying her hair and doing some casual makeup, she made her way to the closet picking out a pair of black ripped jeans, a white and black Adidas tee and a light jean jacket, rolling each sleeve up to her elbow. She pulled her hair up into her usual pony tail, leaving some strands hanging in the front by her face.

With a sigh she made her way over to the desk, picking up Steve's note and added his number to her phone. Sitting down on the corner of her desk she sent a quick text, just as he had asked her to. Before she could even set her phone down, he replied.

"Meet me in the lobby downstairs. 8:30."

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