Chapter 29: This is Going to Hurt

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"Alright, you're all set." Dr. Cho said with a smile.

Cara looked down amazed at the sight of her shoulder, it looked like she had never even been shot. Running her fingers over it as well, she couldn't believe how cool this was. She looked at Dr. Cho in complete surprise, grinning.

"This is amazing! You can't even tell!"

"Exactly. Next time you can tell Captain Rogers to call me from the quinjet and I can fix you up sooner." Dr. Cho said raising her eyebrows.

"Yeah seriously. Now if only you could fix broken ribs." Cara joked in return.

"Well I can't, but Wanda definitely could." Helen said typing a few things into a tablet.

Cara stared off in disbelief. Why hadn't she thought about this before? And why did Steve not bring it up? Wanda's powers were vast and grew almost every time she used them, including her energy manipulation. The gears in her mind began turning. If she could get Wanda to fix her broken ribs, she would be out of this bed and maybe then she could find out what was going on that Bruce and Steve refused to tell her.

Helen set the tablet down, saying goodbye to Cara but she barely heard her, muttering a nonchalant response. When Bruce came back in she was still staring off into space as she fixed her gown. When she didn't respond to him he walked towards her concerned, snapping his fingers near her ear to get her attention. Snapping out of it she looked at him, the moment rushing back into focus.



"I asked if I could get you anything before I walked Dr. Cho back to the jet."

"Yeah, um actually could you send Wanda in?"

"Yeah, yeah, sure thing. Are you feeling alright?"

She looked over at him giving him a gentle smile.

"Right as rain." She said trying to reassure him.

Bruce looked at her skeptically, but nodded, leaving the room all the same. Once the door clicked shut, she got up, wincing briefly at the pain she felt in her ribs. Determined, she struggled across the room to the counter where her torn bloody suit had been left. Painfully, she struggled to put everything back on as well as fix her hair. Realizing her bow and arrows, as well as her gun and knives were no where to be found. She silently cursed, realizing she would have to make another stop before she executed her plan.

When the door opened, Cara mustered her strength to stand tall, hoping the sight of her up and moving, might persuade Wanda to help her more so than if she had been laying in the bed. When Wanda entered, she was frantic at the empty bed before finding Cara standing, waiting. Breathing a deep sigh of relief, Wanda smiled at her but the smile didn't last long when she realized she was in her bloodied suit.

"Cara, what are you doing?"

"Wanda, listen, I need you to hear me out."

Her eyes glowed red and she could feel Wanda in her mind. Grimacing, she pushed her out, to both of their surprise. Wanda stepped back slightly.

"You're going to go after them..."

"Wanda please, just listen to me-"

"You want to kill whoever did this to you before Steve can get to them..."

"You and I both know he will only do this by the books when they should pay-"

"I can't let you do thi-"

Cara took a deep breath, realizing she would have to play this at a different angle, one she didn't like.

"Did you let them give Ultron a fair shake after he killed Pietro?"

Wanda inhaled sharply, the words clearly hurting her, as she looked down. Cara slowly walked towards her, sweating, trying to not collapse from the pain in her torso.

"Or did you give Ultron what he deserved before they could talk you out of it? Ultron deserved to die for what he did to the two of you."

Tears were stinging Wanda's eyes as she swallowed hard nodding slightly. Cara felt dirty. She manipulated her enemies this way, not her friends, her family.

"I'm sorry for bringing Pietro up, I know how much it hurts you. But I need you to see where I'm coming from, before my justice is robbed from me."

Wanda nodded again, looking at Cara, "no I know, I know exactly why you need this. But I know exactly why Captain Rogers didn't ask me to help you in the first place."

Now Cara was surprised, she stood up slightly, wincing, before steadying herself on the table next to her.

"He loves you, you know? He wants to keep you safe. The pain I felt when he returned, after almost losing you, I knew. I can't blame him for wanting you here as long as possible, with your family, where you are safe."

Cara hung her head, feeling guilty. She was being selfish. Steve only wanted the best for her and to keep her safe while not hindering her, still fighting for her to be promoted even though their mission was a failure and she was laid up in a bed recovering. Not even her own brother had done that. Clint had only tried to keep her safe by refusing to let her shine. This also meant yet ANOTHER person knew about them. This was turning into an absolute train wreck.

"Wanda, please don't-"

"I won't say anything to anyone, your secret is safe with me because we are friends."

The word friends stung her. She was not being a very good friend to Wanda right now for asking this of her, let alone bringing Pietro up.

"I know you love him, I am happy for you both and I understand the secrecy. Believe me I do." She said, a slight smile forming in the corners of her lips, "He is going to be angry you know."

"I'll deal with Steve when this is all done." Cara said smiling at her.

Wanda returned a reluctant smile, looking down. When her smile faded she looked back at Cara, stretching her arms out slightly at her sides as her hands began to dance with her red magic.

"I won't lie to you, this is going to hurt." Wanda said.

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