Chapter 34: You Sure About That?

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Later that night, after all of their training was done, Steve and Cara were in his room. His fingers were tangled deeply in her hair as her head bobbed up and down on him. Holding the base steady, she kept her tongue firmly pressed against the underside, sucking and taking him in greedily each time she went down. Steve was moaning submissively almost as she gave one last long draw upwards, her eyes watering. His head snapped back down to look at her, a fire in his eyes.

As Cara stood so did Steve, taking her and lifting her off the ground. She wrapped her legs around his torso, arms around his neck, and his arms were wrapped tightly around her body. Crashing their lips and tongues into one another they kissed fervently until they found the wall. With Cara's back pressed against the wall, Steve quickly but carefully lowered her on to him, causing her to cry out from the euphoric pleasure she had been craving. Holding onto him, he braced himself against the wall while thrusting up into her core aggressively.

Of all the times so far that they had had sex, this was the most aggressive he had been. Cara knew what this was about, it was because of Loki. He had been jealous of their interaction, the way Loki admired her, had gotten so close to her and the way he lingered, looking for one more moment with her, with HIS Cara. Unable to tell him to back off, he felt the need, the urge to make sure she knew that she was his. Deep down he knew she knew that she was his and he was all hers but, he couldn't help himself.

It was like a primal urge had come over him as he pulled her from the wall taking her back over to the bed and tossing her onto it. No sooner had she landed, he flipped her over onto her stomach, pulling her hips up so she was on her knees before holding both of her hands against her back with one of his. Her face turned sideways so he could see her reactions, he coated himself in her wetness before slowly but steadily pushing himself into her bottom.

She squirmed against him at first, whimpering. Once he was all the way inside of her she let out a small moan before he began sliding in and out of her slowly. With each thrust he went just a little faster than the last, her half whimper half moan she was making turning him on he swole even more inside of her. The final rough thrusts felt so good inside of her that he moaned out in pleasure with her as he filled her with himself.

Panting loudly, gasping for breath, he let go of her hands and slowly slid out of her. Her shaking legs buckled under her, collapsing onto the bed. She rolled over legs still shaking, still breathing heavily. Leaning down he cupped one side of her face, kissing her tenderly. Her hands found his face as well, lovingly holding him there to savor every last bit of the kiss. When Steve did draw back he was smiling at her completely satisfied.

"Come on, let's get a shower before we're late for dinner with everyone."

Steve got up, walking into the bathroom to start the shower. Rolling onto her side she admired the view she had. Muscles rippling all over his body, his round perfect ass, and that damn handsome face of his, made Cara crave him. How on earth did she ever get this lucky. Catching her admiring him, she got up off the bed joining him in the bathroom.

As she walked towards him, Steve couldn't believe how lucky he was. It was like a goddess was walking towards him. The way her full hips swayed when she walked, her breast bouncing slightly with each step, those big beautiful blue eyes looking at him and her dark hair falling messily around her face and shoulders. He had no idea how he had got so lucky, but one thing he did know for sure was how much he loved this girl.

Showering together, they savored the warmth and the feeling of their wet bodies gliding against one another. Laughing at little things like a shampoo Mohawk on Steve that Cara had created or the soapy beard he had given her. She laughed extra hard when Steve began singing to her, poorly singing, but singing none the less, twirling her as they rinsed. When they stepped out Cara began to dry herself off getting ready to slip back to her room so she could dress for dinner. Steve went out into his room and began pulling clothes from the closet and dresser when there was a knock at the door.

Eyes widening she peaked out of the bathroom doorway at him shaking her head no at him. He threw his arms up shrugging his shoulders at her when a second series of knocks came. Then as if things couldn't get anymore tense, Cara's heart stopped at the sound of Clint's voice.

"Hey, Cap it's me, you got a second?"

Both of their mouths fell open as they looked at each other slightly panicking.

"Cap? You in there?"

"Uh- yeah, yeah sorry, just stepped out of the shower give me a second."

Steve threw on clothes quickly while Cara gathered her own from around the room as quietly as she could. She was dashing back into the bathroom with her clothes, still wrapped in a towel and hair wet when Steve opened the door just enough to stand in the opening to talk.  Pressing herself tightly to the bathroom wall she listened.

"Hey Barton, what's going on?"

"Have you seen Cara? I just stopped by her room to talk to her about something but she didn't answer."

"Uh, not since training, no. Maybe she's in the shower? She's been training a lot lately and she was pretty sweaty already when we started our session today."

She made a face thinking about how grossed out she felt by the comment.

"Yeah that's what I wanted to talk to her about, pushing herself so much. But when she didn't answer I cracked the door to see if she was sleeping or if I could hear the shower and there was nothing."

Cara's eyes widened, fearful that Steve was going to somehow fuck this up. Her eyes looking around for an escape plan should she need one.

"Then I have no idea where she might be."

"You sure about that?"

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