Chapter 28: Yeah, Thanks

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Tensing up, Steve turned to see Sam sitting across the room, in a chair he wasn't able to see from the window in the door. Steve was frozen in place, shocked, looking at Cara. She grimaced at Steve, reaching out toward him and he slowly walked over to the bed, setting the arrangement on the stand beside her before turning toward Sam, arms crossed.

"Sam." He said acknowledging him finally.

"I mean holy shit! Damn! That, that was from the heart that was- you know I'm going to want to hear more about that bathtub moment." Sam rambled.

"Dude, come on." Cara said.

"You even tried to tell him and he just kept going,! He was determined, he was on a mission." Sam said still excited.

"Sam, please, you can't say anything." Steve said.

"What?! Why not? This is great! The two of you are great together!" Sam said passionately.

Cara and Steve looked at each other briefly before looking at him.

"They'll separate us and they'll send me back to SHIELD headquarters and we will never get to see each other. Please Sam, please don't say anything, to anyone." Cara pressed.

Sam looked from Cara to Steve for a moment, thinking.

"Nat and Bucky also know." Steve offered, knowing he wouldn't be able to contain himself.

Sam nodded enthusiastically.

"Alright, you know I've got both of your backs. Plus, at least I'll have two people to help me tease the hell out of you guys." Sam said excitedly.

Steve hung his head smiling as Cara giggled. When Steve looked back up, he looked at Sam, reluctantly smiling.

"Thank you. Now could you please go so we can finish our conversation?" Steve asked.

"Yeah I'll get out of your hair for a bit, but don't think we aren't talking about all of this later." He said walking to the door, then out of the room.

When the door had shut Steve looked over at Cara, heart fluttering. She was already beaming at him excitedly. Taking her hand, he sat on the edge of the bed facing her, lifting her hand and kissing it, making her giggle.

"I meant every word Cara, I do love you."

"I know Steve of course I know. I'm so happy right now and the flowers are so beautiful."

"Oh and I brought your fuzzy socks."

As Steve leaned back digging into his pocket, she put her free hand over her mouth giggling. He then helped her put them on her feet before pulling the blankets back over her. When he sat back down he smiled at her taking her hand again. They smiled at each other, but when he hung his head briefly, Cara could see the twinge of sadness in his eyes. Still smiling she put her other hand on top of his hand that was still holding hers, causing him to look back up.

"You know it's not always easy for me to share my feelings. I know I tend to shy away when you've opened the air for me to be honest, and I'm sorry I do that, but I am trying Steve. I'm trying." Cara responded in a deep breath, "with that being said, I love you too Steve. I honestly do. You are such an amazing person and you are so passionate and comforting and just- i don't know, you're just so you and I love that. You make me incredibly happy. And having been shot or not, this is the happiest I've ever been."

Steve was so full of joy he sat up slightly, leaning forward, let go of her hand and grabbed both sides of her face pulling her into a passionate kiss. She went to also put her hands up on his, but pulled back letting her arms fall grabbing her shoulder with her opposite arm.

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