Chapter 5: Try Not to Kill Everyone

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Cara stared at him processing his question a moment. Why was he asking her about her Russian? If he wanted an agent who spoke Russian why didn't he take Natasha with him? She would have been the clear choice in anyone's mind, so why ask for Cara? She was determined to find out now.

"It's not bad but it's not as good as someone who, oh you know, grew up there and was raised as a deadly assassin."

Steve didn't even crack a smile, just stared at her in response a moment. This made Cara dread only slightly the eagerness she had to go on this mission. She didn't know him, she had literally just met him not even an hour ago. In fact the only things she knew about Steve Rogers were things her brother or Nat had told her and so far she wasn't even sure they had been telling her about the right person. He leaned across the space between them handing her a file. She opened it beginning to read through it as he spoke finally.

"We're headed to a small operation Hydra has set up in the Northwest part of Russia so it would be helpful if your Russian was decent."

Listening but not raising her eyes from the file she nodded. There was a lot of information in this file and she needed to memorize as much of it as she could before they landed so she would be prepared.

"We suspect there may be scientists there that they are holding hostage, they are priority one. Our second priority is downloading their data onto a SHIELD drive. We want to know anything and everything about what they've been doing there."

Cara nodded again flipping through satellite images of the area as well as photographs of the outside.

"Use your earpiece to communicate. We won't be together the entire time. If you get injured or need back up you need to realize it in enough time so I have time to get to you. Don't wait until the last minute."

"Yeah I've been on missions before I know how to work with a partner."

Steve paused in his response. Cara glanced up over the edge of the file to see his stern glare looking back at her. Clearly he did appreciate the comment she had made but she couldn't help herself. She wasn't a kid and she was not going to have someone else treat her that way, not the way Clint already did.

"And maybe this needs to be said even though I assumed from your file that you're intelligent, I'm the one who is in charge. At all times."

The way he was staring at her and the way he said the last part made Cara warm. Unbeknownst to him, the whole domineering authority thing, was a turn on for her. Not to mention how absolutely handsome he was, Cara was going to have to control herself and be professional if she wanted to prove herself. But this little moment was going to make it difficult, especially if it continued throughout their mission. Cara needed to change the subject.

"Right, understood. So Steve-"

"It's Captain Rogers."

There was that tone again. Cara took a quiet slow deep breath. Yeah, this was going to be more difficult than she thought.

"So Captain Rogers, did you read my file before or after you man handled me in the maintenance closet?"

Steve's glare at her deepened. He wasn't in the mood to be joked with. They were about to go on a serious mission, probably the most serious one Cara had been on and she was being smart with him. If she wasn't going to take this seriously he would have to leave her in the jet and go solo, or wait for a replacement agent to be sent in, which could cost valuable time. He unbuckled and stood up, closing the space between them quickly. He yanked the file out of her hands and glared at her.

"If you aren't going to take this mission seriously you can go back. I'll bring Natasha or Clint in instead."

Cara sat up straight, looking up at him towering over her through her eyelashes. She kept her face neutral but her eyes somehow seemed to sparkle at him devilishly. He needed her to say something. Her big blue eyes were gorgeous. Like icy crystals glimmering back at him, a fire dancing behind them. The longer she stared at him this way the more  he wanted to kiss her. He wondered if he could glance at her gorgeously puffy lips without her noticing but he decided not to chance it.

He had read her file before their run in in the maintenance corridor, but read it again after as well. It's what made him choose her for the mission over Clint or Natasha. She was skilled, excellent with a bow, guns, as well as knives. Every mission she had been on since her recruitment 6 months ago had ended in success and with zero friendly casualties. Not to mention she was absolutely gorgeous. This had definitely caught Steve's attention.

"Do we have an understanding?"

"Yes, sir."

Her words had more effect on him than he let on as he nodded at her, handing her the file again, and turned to sit down strapping in again. 'Yes, sir.' Her words echoed in his head over and over again. He closed his eyes pretending to rest but when he did all he could see were her perfectly round gorgeous lips forming the words. He needed to distract himself or this was going to be a problem for him.

"Do you have any questions about the plan Agent Barton?"

The way he was seemingly so cold with her now made her mad. She knew he was in charge, she was still the trainee, technically, but he didn't have to be such a jerk about it. The whole authoritative, hot, strong thing was her thing but, being an asshole was not what she was into. And Steve was treading dangerously close to that line right now. If it wasn't for his threat to send her home, she definitely would have something to say to him. She wasn't about to let that happen.

"Just let me know where to go and who to kill and we should be good."

Steve nodded at her before adding:

"Try not to kill everyone."

Cara closed her eyes smirking. She wasn't going to make any promises.

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