Chapter 7: The License Plate Game

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They quickly approached the main building, subduing guards as they went, much to Cara's annoyance. As they stood on either side of the door they looked down noticing it had key card entry and no handles. Steve began looking around for a subdued guard who might have a key while Cara pulled the panel face off, beginning to cut and reconnect wires. When the keycard pad beeped in a happy tone Steve turned around looking at the panel and then her in surprise.

Smirking she stepped toward the door causing it to open automatically. They both went inside and began moving down the hall quickly, taking out cameras as they went. Cara had thought they were doing a pretty good job at being discreet when suddenly a blaring alarm went off. She and Steve looked at each other before taking off running toward the end of the hall.

"I'll find the hostages, you take the drive, head to the mainframe and download the data."

Steve handed her the drive as she nodded. When they got to the end of the hallway they split up, Steve heading left and Cara taking the right. As she rounded the corner, Cara ducked just in time as an arm came swinging toward her head. Standing back up she blocked a second punch and dodged a third before sweeping there legs out from under them, landing a solid punch to their face, knocking them out cold.

Not wasting any time she got back up running into the mainframe room. Drive in hand she made her way to the data bank tower she was looking for. Upon finding it she pulled out the tower's access panel revealing a keyboard and screen. She plugged the drive into the port and began furiously typing away. As she did she heard the door open and close and footsteps slowly making their way around the room.

"I've found the hostages, beginning extraction now. What's your status Barton?"

Just as she was about to answer, some sort of energy blast barely missed her head making her duck suddenly. It struck another tower sending sparks flying. Getting back to her feet she stood up as she pulled her pistol firing a single shot hitting the man dead center of his forehead. She began typing again this time glancing up and around the room frequently.

"Agent Barton, what is your status?"

"I'm extracting the data now."

"What happened? It sounded like there was gunfire."

Suddenly papers on a desk across the room ignited from the sparking wires. Her eyes grew wide staring at the growing flames before she turned back to her task, she was 86% through the download. Another man popped his head out and she fired another shot instinctively, also hitting him dead center of his forehead.

"Uh nope, everything is fine here. Completely under control."

As she finished her report to Steve there was a sudden roar of flames as the full desk was now on fire. Typing faster she finished the download, pulling the drive out and placed it in a pocket she made sure was zipped shut. With a few extra clicks of the keys she hit the enter key hard running for the door.

"Captain Rogers, are you clear of the facility with the hostages?"

"Yes they're on their way to a SHIELD jet waiting on the other side of the hill with one of the pilots. Why?"

"Because this place it about to blow in 2 min, I initiated a self destruct."

Two men intercepted her in the hallway. She climbed the one like a tree, wrapping her legs around his shoulders. Something Nat had taught her in training. She pulled him to the ground with her momentum from her body weight, pinning him down with her legs. When he hit she fired a shot into the back of his head before the other one kicked her gun out of her hands down the hall. She stood up in time to miss one swing but a hard uppercut caught her straight in the jaw knocking her off her feet.

"Agent Barton I said where are you?"  His voice rang in her ear.

"I'm a little busy right now Steve." She grunted as she rolled back and forth missing blows.

Using her legs as momentum she jumped back to her feet arms up ready. Just as Cara braced herself for the next punch, a fist connected with the man's face knocking him out cold. Steve immediately grabbed Cara's arm, turning her around and pulled her into a run. As they hit the outside air they heard the explosions starting.  Running as hard as they could toward the perimeter Cara noticed Steve wasn't running ahead when she knew he easily could.

Cara looked over her shoulder at Steve and just as their eyes met an explosion went off behind them throwing them both forward. Cara's eyes closed tightly as they were thrown by the explosion. Suddenly she was hit hard from behind, not realizing what it was until suddenly Steve's arms wrapped around her pulling Cara into him.

They hit the ground hard sliding several feet in the snow as they did. When they came to a halt Cara opened her eyes but found it was still dark. When Steve moved, his shield came off from over her letting the daylight flood back to her vision and he uncurled himself from her. The moment his body left her she wished it hadn't. Sitting up she turned to look at him still surprised.

"Are you okay?" Cara asked.

Steve was surprised at her question. Was he okay? She was the one who was bleeding from her head. Her dark hair, now slightly disheveled, blew across her face gently and he couldn't help but think how beautiful she looked. But distant shouting brought him out of his thoughts and back to reality.

"Come on we have to move."

Steve got up grabbing Cara's arm and pulled her to her feet effortlessly. They ran off into the trees back to the jet. Cara sat down in one of the seats not even bothering to strap in. Before she could even relax she noticed blood dripping onto her lap. In an instant Steve was kneeling in front of her, raising her chin to look at him.

Cara's breath caught in her throat before she realized he was looking at her forehead with intent. He began cleaning her forehead, the sting growing causing her to wince. Once Steve was finished patching the cut on her forehead he looked down into her eyes. Steve's hand lingered on her cheek as they stared at one another. He wanted to kiss her, badly. And she wanted him to kiss her just as bad.

But to both of their disappointment Steve stood up removing his hand. Cara looked around as if she had been doing something she needed to get back to. Noticing the alarming amount of bloody gauze she looked back up at Steve. Without looking at her he answered her question.

"You'll need stitches when we get back. It only looks terrible because head wounds tend to bleed more. But it's not deep. You'll be fine."

Cara nodded silently. She wasn't sure what to say or if she would say too much if she did. When she didn't respond he walked back to his seat across from her and strapped in. Realizing she herself was not strapped in, she immediately began fumbling with the straps. Once she was buckled in she closed her eyes hoping to get some sleep on the way back.

"Keep your eyes open. You need to watch for signs of a concussion."

"Are you a doctor now too?"

She opened her eyes up again to see him smirking at her. When Cara bit her lip looking down at her hands a moment however, she did miss the flicker in his eyes. Looking back at him, his expression was blank again, closing his own eyes for a moment. One of the pilots suddenly spoke up reminding them they weren't alone.

"Captain Rogers, we're being rerouted to tower by The Director."

Steve nodded before the pilot turned back around. This meant their flight had just got a little longer and if she was going to stay awake, they were going to need to do something to pass the time. Cara said the first thing that came to her mind.

"We could play the license plate game to pass the time." Cara said sarcastically.

And to her surprise she heard Steve let out a small chuckle.

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