Chapter 33: Pleasure to Meet You

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A few weeks had gone by since Cara and Bucky had come back with their answer about Cara's attacker. Since then, Cara's main focus had become training. She stepped up her cardio, combat and target training, as well as added in some new training. Steve had also stayed with her every night. Each night consisting of hours of incredible sex, followed by falling asleep tangled in each other's arms and in the morning sneaking back to their own room to avoid being caught.

Of course there had been the occasional mission here and there as well, nothing extravagant like Paris, but missions all the same. All of them had been successful as well, which was reassuring for Cara. She took the failure in Paris personally. Not just because she had been shot and almost died, but because she failed at nothing. It wasn't like her to not always be the best, especially at what she did, no matter how much reassurance she received.

The first week after the trip Cara and Clint didn't speak. The second week they beat the hell out of each other every training session, one time Cara leaving a cut on Clint's forehead that required stitches, and Clint giving her a nasty black eye that was still there nearly 2 weeks later. The third week they talked in one word conversations. By week four, they were back to somewhat normal. Well, at least what was normal for the Barton siblings. There was still the bickering, competitive training sessions and pointers on better strike or take down techniques. As well as the added comments of how to keep blood off of the suit with each kill technique.

Once the evidence of Cara's attacker had been presented to Fury, agents were put to work to keep their ears to the ground, follow up on leads, and even put undercover. While she somewhat had trust issues, she had to believe that this would be made right and that she would get the opportunity to have her revenge. Though she was pretty sure Steve would somewhat hate her once she killed the soldier responsible for trying to kill her, it was something she needed for peace of mind. After all, she was a killer, most of her life had been kill or be killed.

At the current moment, Cara was using and abusing one of the combat dummies in the gym. Sweat dripping off her, she continued to throw punch after punch, jab after jab with kick after kick thrown in. Just as she was about out of energy, spinning around for momentum she landed a solid kick on the dummy's chest. The dummy knocked over hitting the floor with a solid thud. As she stood catching her breath, reaching for a water bottle, she slowly and casually picked it up. As she turned around she whipped it across the room where a tall man, hidden in the shadow, caught it, slowly stepping forward into the light.

"My, my, such an interesting way to make a first impression." Loki mused, striding toward her, holding the water bottle.

Cara stood tensed. She knew who Loki was. She remembered when he had attacked New York, bringing the Chitauri with him and causing so much damage before the Avengers had stopped him. He had also used mind control on her brother, and Cara remembered what it had done to him afterwards. She was not a fan of his in any way shape or form, even if Thor swore he was changed now. After no response, he exhaled raising his eyebrows in annoyance before continuing.

"So you're the newest play thing this group of misfits has recruited. How fascinating." He said offering her the water bottle.

Cara snatched it from him roughly, removing the cap and drinking, not breaking her stare. Loki rolled his eyes again slightly gritting his teeth, annoyed.

"Listen, I understand my whole past might have been an issue to you but I assure you I've turned over a new leaf so to say. So I don't know who you think you are, but-" He started, slightly flustered.

"I'm the other Barton, Cara. That's who I am. So forgive me if I'm not a big fan of yours." She interrupted.

He looked surprised for only a moment before a wicked smile grew across his face. Not flinching or letting her face fall, she stood her ground watching him pace around her. His voice was smooth, enchanting almost, as he spoke.

"The other Barton," he chuckled before continuing, "interesting you call yourself the other Barton. For as- how did Thor put it... bubbly and joyful as you are, your every bit as deadly. It's inspiring really. The way you kill so easily, without concern. And so brutally."

"It's my job-"

"It's in your nature. You and your brother both kill like you were born to do it, you just happen to be slightly better. It's an art form for you."

"For someone who has supposedly turned over a new leaf, you seem a little too fascinated about killing."

"It's an admiration. While I have become a bit more- reserved in my ways, it's simply in my nature to admire talents such as yours."

Standing still in front of her now, his face was serious. He took two slow steps toward her and without flinching an inch she stood her ground until they were inches apart. Towering over her, even more so than Steve did, she stared intensely up at him and he stared intensely back before a smile slowly spread across his face.

"You don't need that to kill me Miss Barton, I'm sure you can do it with your bare hands if you needed to, but it won't be necessary. I was simply introducing myself."

Cara removed her fingers from the knife in her holster that she had ever so subtly started to grab as second nature in a situation like this. She cracked her own slight smirk, not backing down.

"You have an interesting way of introducing yourself then." She said casually.

"That's because it's in his nature, he is the supposed God of Mischief. Isn't that right Loki?" Steve said entering the room.

Steve tried to be relaxed, setting some things down before walking over to Cara, who turned away from Loki, setting down her own water bottle to stretch. Though he had remained calm on his entry, Cara could tell Steve was bothered by the situation he had walked in on by the way his shoulders and chest were now tense. She thought it was actually kind of cute that he would be jealous of anyone when there was no one else for her but Steve. Loki's jaw tensed as his grin disappeared, looking over at Steve, annoyed.

"It's not supposed, I AM the God of Mischief Captain, whether you seem to respect that or not." He said agitated.

"Right, well thanks for stopping by to introduce yourself, but we have a busy training schedule today. Plus I think Thor was looking for you." Steve said stone-faced.

Rolling his eyes, Loki turned and headed for the door. He paused only a moment in the doorway, looking over his shoulder, before leaving.

"It was a pleasure to meet you Miss Barton."

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