Chapter 14: I'll Handle Bucky

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When she met Steve in the lobby he was waiting with his hands on his hips, fidgeting nervously with his hand placement as she approached. He had on a dark pair of jeans, gray tee shirt, brown leather jacket, navy ball cap and sunglasses. She approached him skeptically eyeing the hat and sunglasses.

"What's with the get up?"

"Well if we want to have breakfast in peace, this helps."

"Oh- oh no should I have a hat on?"

"No, no you look great. Come on, let's get going."

Cara smiled at the compliment, following him out of the building. Once they got outside they started walking away from the tower toward the park. As they walked and talked, Cara noticed that Steve's disguise was actually working. No one so much as even looked in their direction, let alone approached them. This was something Cara would have to remember when or even if she became recognizable.

As they walked they talked about all kinds of things. Steve talked about growing up in Brooklyn with Bucky, his service time in World War II, even about how weird it was to adjust to everything when he came out of the ice. Cara talked about a vastly different upbringing. She told Steve about growing up in Iowa with Clint and her mom, how her dad was never in the picture, even how their mom died and when she did it made her want to be an assassin like Clint.

As they walked though the park they talked about other things, movies they liked, music, books, sports, anything they could think of. Cara became particularly excited about hockey, making Steve smile at her enthusiasm. They didn't have everything in common but the things they did excited them both. When they both got to the breakfast place somewhere within the park they each ordered their breakfast, Steve insisting on paying for her order despite her persistent protesting. They then found a bench along one of the paths to sit on, giving them some privacy.

As they ate and sipped their coffee, Cara inhaled the fresh air smiling. The sun was dancing in the trees leaving a leafy pattern across her face. When she glanced at Steve she realized he was staring at her, smiling. She did a double take, her cheek stuffed full of breakfast burrito. Blushing she quickly chewed and swallowed and grabbed a napkin, wiping her mouth, looking at the napkin for traces of something.

"What? Do I have something on my face?"

Steve laughed, a broad smile on his face, "No, there's nothing on your face. I, well, I just enjoy you."

"You enjoy watching me?"

Steve blushed, slight panic in his eyes, "What? No! I don't watch you. I mean I look at you, it's hard not to. Okay that also sounds questionable. Look, it's not just that you're beautiful, you're gorgeous, but you just always are so genuine in your expressions. You enjoy the little things like fresh air and sun on your face. But you also could probably kill me 6 different ways with your burrito, you're-"

"A handful?"


Cara smiled at him as she sipped her coffee. She enjoyed how she flustered him. Kind of like how he flustered her when he was in that domineering I'm in charge mood she had seen over the past several days. She wondered what it would take to push him to that mood at will instead of just on missions or during training. When she didn't respond Steve continued.

"So, last night was, incredible."

"Yeah it was." Cara blurted a little too quickly.

Not wanting to seem too eager to ask when or if they could have mind blowing sex again, she shoved more of her burrito in her face to prevent her from blurting out her thoughts again. Steve had a serious look on his face as she waited for him to speak again.

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