Chapter 1: Stepping over Corpses

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 Ace of Hearts — Zella Day

"Over my dead body!" Zelda growled, jumping up from her seat, and fumbling out another cigarette.

It only fuelled her anger when she couldn't get the lighter to work and she rolled her eyes. Quietly, Lilith took it from her and handed the lit cigarette back to her wife.

"You've just resurrected, young lady!" Zelda added, but then Lilith tugged on her dress to have her sit back down.

"Oh, come on Zelds," Hilda tutted and shifted excitedly in her seat, "I think it's a rather beautiful way to celebrate said resurrection, don't you think?"

Lilith blinked at Sabrina and Hilda warmly, nodding, while stroking Zelda's back in long circles as the witch was smoking furiously, turning her face away from everyone.

Sabrina leant over to Hilda and whispered in her ear, "Is Auntie Zee crying?"

Hilda shrugged as she looked at her niece with a helpless expression, then at Lilith as if to forward the question. The demoness scooted closer, holding Zelda's upper arms and snaking over her shoulder to get a glimpse.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes! It's the damn pollen again!" Zelda assured, a little too strongly to sound convincing.

Then a cough from a distant corner startled them and made all the heads turn to where Ambrose was standing. He continued his act and mumbled between the coughs, "Pollen, aye."

Zelda was the last to glare at him — slowly, dangerously — leaving no room for interpretation as to what it meant. Ambrose plodded over, slumping into a spare seat with everyone watching, not letting his aunt intimidate him.

"Auntie please! Say something!"

"What is there to say, Sabrina?" Zelda snapped back, displeasure curling her lips.

"Maybe something like, 'I'm so happy for you' or 'How did he propose?' Anything, really," the young witch retorted snippy.

Zelda shifted, took another drag and began in a calm bitterness, "How about that: My niece, who I've raised, lost and just resurrected with my own hands, wants to desert me. Again."

"Um..." Hilda interjected, "I'd like the one with the proposal, lamb..."

Lilith agreed, "I'm interested too... Go on, tell the story. I think my dear wife could do with some time to calm her mind..."

She nudged Zelda gently and conjured a tissue between two fingers, discretely pressing it into Zelda's hands as she pulled back into the cushions with her.

Sabrina started, straightening in anticipation, "Ok, so, Nick and I were walking through the woods, as you do, and then we came to the clearing. You know. The clearing." Sabrina made sure to let her gaze wander everyone's faces, enjoying the attention.

Hilda next to her shifted in her seat, literally sitting on the edge as she hung on her niece's lips.

"And then he stopped me and said, 'Spellman, you were born here'. And I go like 'And?' And then he goes on, 'We've been to hell and back, to heaven and back and now that we're here together, after life and death, I think we should...'"

Zelda and Lilith simultaneously looked at each other and rolled their eyes up, chuckling softly at their reactions to the cheesy story. Hilda noticed and just had to smirk at the two love birds of the house.

"And then he got down on his knee and I started shaking and then he continued, 'I think we should get married.'" Sabrina was so excited telling the story she didn't even notice how fast she was speaking. "And then I was already wrapped around his neck and he didn't even have time to pull out the turtle dove hearts."

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