Chapter 3: Lavender and Lace

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Scarborough Fair — Rachel Hardy

Hilda had always outdone herself when it came to baking, but this was simply insane.

Standing in the middle of the kitchen island were four beautiful cakes that had Sabrina's eyes go wide as she took in the colours and decorations her aunt had hand-piped onto these cakes.

Ambrose was the first to speak, "Wow auntie you've outdone yourself this time, I'm truly stunned. But just so you know, I also expect this much fuss when I get married!" he said with a wink to Hilda and a twinkle in his eye.

Hilda snorted and fanned the air with her hand as if this was no big deal, "Nonsense! Nothing but the best for the blushing bride."

She beamed at Sabrina and patted her niece's cheek softly.

"Auntie, these are beautiful. I don't want to think how long this took you! All the colours..."

Zelda came into the kitchen, hand wrapped around her familiar, the other holding her delicate cigarette holder with the smoke burning brightly. She glanced at the cakes and felt a pang of guilt at her earlier jealousy of Hilda's role in Sabrina's wedding.

"Yes, just marvellous sister," she muttered.

Trying to rid herself of the emotion, she put Vinegar Tom gently into his basket and patted his head affectionately while Lilith just rolled her eyes fondly.

"May I ask though, Hilda, why all the colours?" Lilith questioned, frowning.

Hilda never missed a beat, telling her the answer whilst cutting the first cake for them to try.

"Well, my dear, I didn't know what colour schemes madam here was planning on," Hilda pointed towards Sabrina with the cake knife, "So I did one in the colours we had discussed. I made the red velvet cake in white with red roses and pearl decorations, as I think it's quite traditional for mortals."

Everyone nodded with mouths full, enjoying the cake immensely. And it was then Lilith had a notion – no – a desire to do something her wife would growl at her for.

"Then I made a honey and lemon cake," Hilda went on to showcase, "Decorated with ivory frosting and the honeysuckles, as it's Sabrina's favourite flower."

Hilda turned to smile at Sabrina, enjoying the fact that her niece seemed to be tearing up at this. She continued whilst slicing into the next cake. Dr Cee gathered everyone's plates for more, beaming with pride at his wife's skills.

Lilith swallowed the bite and turned to Zelda discreetly, whispering something in her ear to which the redhead responded with a deadly glare that had Lilith chuckling.

"Come on, do it for me and I'll be a very good girl tonight," she promised, cocking her eyebrow suggestively.

Though, from the face Zelda was making she could gather her witch wasn't entirely convinced yet, so she inched towards her ear again, closer this time, so no one would hear.

As she said her piece, Zelda's face escalated, her eyes as wide as the sea, her eyebrows up to the ceiling and a right flush in her face that had her milky complexion take on a shade similar to her hair.

She nodded furiously and waved to Lilith to do what she had to do, and Lilith smirked her cheekiest smile, biting her lip to not laugh out loud. She took a spoonful of the second wedding cake and held her hand underneath it, bringing it up to Zelda's lips.

"Now, open up for me, will you?" Zelda did as she was told, hesitantly, to not catch anyone's attention.

"Come on, wider," Lilith teased, and Zelda had no other choice than to obey, thinking of the wicked things Lilith had whispered into her ear.

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